10 Uplifting Songs to Start Off 2018 | The Odyssey Online
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10 Uplifting Songs to Start Off 2018

Purely positive music

10 Uplifting Songs to Start Off 2018

2017 may have left you praising and rejoicing, or it may have left you filled with darkness and loneliness. Regardless of how 2017 went, "My 2018 Uplifting Playlist" is perfect for all seasons of life and will leave you filled with hope, love, and awe at how much you are truly loved. My mantra with music is closely aligned with my mantra about food. If you eat a donut in the morning, you will crave sugar the rest of the day. If you listen to not uplifting music in the morning, you may crave that music the rest of the day as well. Choose to start your day with this playlist, or play it throughout the day.

1. "Reckless Love"- Cory Asbury

Talk about a powerful song. In 2017 there was a lot of darkness, and it may have felt like there was only evil, loveless, and meanness in the world. You may have felt that because of the decisions you made in 2017, you were undeserving of our Savior's love. This song implores you to know that the Lord's love is "...overwhelming, never-ending, reckless...". You may have felt that you pushed God aside in 2017 and did so much wrong that you'll never be able to restore your relationship with God. Reckless Love says this: "When I was your foe, still Your love fought for me."

2. "Unconditional"- Urban Rescue

This song speaks this truth over and over: God's love is UNCONDITIONAL. No matter what you've done or will do, He will love you and not let you go.

3. "Tremble"- Mosaic

This is a song you can proclaim over your life. "Peace, bring it all to peace, the storms surrounding me, let it break at Your name. Still, call the sea to still, the rage in me to still, every wave at Your name." Let Jesus have the power over whatever storm you're facing.

4. "Psalm 34"- Shane & Shane

This song is literally Psalm 34 with music. A beautiful Psalm that is so encouraging, it says, "I sought the Lord and He answered me and delivered me from every fear."

5. "Strength"- Jonathan David Helser & Melissa Helser

Feeling weary? This is an incredible song to listen to first thing in the morning or right before you sleep. "Strength, You give me strength, You raise me up again, I will never be the same."

6. "The Overcomer" - Citipointe Live

This one will pump you up and have you ready to face anything. "Your name is higher, stronger, faithful like no other. You are Savior, Healer, Christ the Overcomer."

7. "Abba" (Arms of the Father) - Jonathan David Helser & Melissa Helser

Are you in need of comfort? This song is peaceful and allows you to experience God's love.

8. "Glorious Day"- Passion

This song will have you jumping around and rejoicing.

9. "Refresh Me" - Leeland

"I raise my weakness high in it You're glorified. Refresh me, God Refresh me."

10. "Sparrows"- Jason Gray

The first two lyrics of this song hits me hard and convicts me: "You can’t add a single day by worrying. You’ll worry your life away. You can’t change a single thing by freaking out. It’s just going to close you in."

Here's my Spotify link to this playlist (with even more songs!):


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