A Fulfilling Break | The Odyssey Online
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A Fulfilling Break

Some Time to Myself

A Fulfilling Break
Nicole Walllin

I take the beginning of my new year as a much-needed breath of fresh air. The holidays are over, and although they were fun and exciting, a break can be just as valuable. For me, the real vacation began when January started. In the society we live in, communication is a click away. With that technology comes great opportunities and setbacks. The greatest setback for me is having little time to myself. During my solitary break, I have found various tasks to be responsible in completing.

I have always been inspired by art, and recently started painting canvases. This new hobby was discovered in the fall, and since then I have been focusing on developing a style. For the most part, I am a whimsical painter. I like to make my audience feel as if they’re in a dream. I also want my audience to feel inspired to make their own work. What makes painting so lovely is anyone can create an aesthetically pleasing work of art. One could literally splatter paint on a canvas and it would still be an incredible creation. The best part of painting comes even before a canvas displays a story. Mixing paint is extremely satisfying. Spinning a palette knife on colors is a visual action that makes my soul incredibly happy. While brushing and blending colors, the mind enters a hypnotic state becoming clear. Overall, it is quite the therapeutic experience.

Not all my responsibilities are as enjoyable as painting. I have been renovating the “Rec Room” located on the first floor of my house. I’m responsible for the gutting and my dad is responsible for making it look beautiful again. Gutting a room can be fun for taking out frustrations, but I have to be cautious with this specific room. Behind the wall that I must destroy is a brick wall that my dad wants to make visible. Sadly I cannot wack away with my sledgehammer. The worst part of the renovation is when I had to gut the ceiling. There’s this awful papery insulation above, and it all collapses on my face while stripping the ceiling. It has not helped with my allergies whatsoever. Although there are difficulties that come with my job, I feel respected as a woman doing labor. My experience in the field of manual labor has helped in gaining respect from others and respect for myself. I am now a well rounded labor worker that has done carpentry, landscape, and furniture building. In the end a feeling of accomplishment is just as rewarding as a paycheck. This positive reinforcement has helped me realize that my break is just as much about work as it is relaxing.

My most recent activity has been quite challenging. I am trying to incorporate difficult and acrobatic moves into my yoga routine. Some people call this “AcroYoga.” My first acrobatic move I have incorporated is called a straddle press. In this position, I sit in a straddle with my hands placed before me. Using pressure, I lift my legs off the ground with my hands. It is the only acrobatic move I have mastered, but I am currently working on moving from a straddle press to a handstand. My health and weight are key concerns as I move from adolescence to adulthood. My metabolism began to slow last summer, and that was when I realized exersice like yoga was worth my time. Yoga has also been one of my activities that has kept me satisfied during this break. I feel light and content after a yoga session.

I’m proud to say this break has not been a drag for me. I have kept very busy while also keeping to myself for a change. I have a bit of time until I go back to school, but I am looking forward to that as well. Even with this time to myself, I must remember it is important to be with friends and family too. That is one of the many reasons continuing an education is important. For now, I am going to live in the moment and enjoy the peace and quiet.

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