"New Year, New Me" is probably the most popular phrase associated with beginning a New Year. Have you ever asked yourself, will it really be different and will I really make these changes? Every year I made more of a "to do" list vs resolutions to keep. The ones making the list every year have been: do a backflip (BTW, never even attempted that one), run a mile in six minutes, lose 20 pounds (lol jk college), and be happy. Looking back, I made some really drastic changes to my life in 2015. This year, I decided to make a little more realistic resolutions from what I've learned in 2015 in order to make 2016 the best yet.
1. Do more of what makes you happy
One of my best friends told me this quote last year and it's definitely my favorite and I now try to live every day based on this phrase. Yeah, there will be some things we don't want to do, but at the end of the day make sure everything you are working towards makes you happy.
2. Be Adventurous
I became really close with two of my now best friends this year who always wanted to go on adventures. We would be hanging out and they always had something fun to do, such as going hiking, go meet new people etc. They helped me break out of my shell and want to go on more adventures. Unfortunately, they are going abroad this semester (it's still not too late to cancel your trip guys....), but I hope to continue this mentality. I will help achieve this resolution by studying abroad in Europe this semester and I CANNOT WAIT!
3. Get rid of negative relationships
This is pretty self-explanatory. If you have someone in your life weighing you down, they're honestly not worth it. For example, if you really just don't care about how someone is always posting their political opinion on Facebook, delete them. If someone always brings you down or doesn't treat you positively, cut ties with them. It's not worth the stress and drama over little issues that you won't even remember in a couple of months anyway.
4. Get better sleep/less Netflix
All right. I watch a lot of Netflix shows. Often, this leads to a lack of sleep, because of that great autoplay feature. One more episode at 2 A.M. isn't doing great for my sleeping habits. I hope to maybe not watch (as much) Netflix before sleep and try to get more rest.
5. Eat Healthier
Maybe a little more veggies, a little less pizza in 2016. And maybe I could cut down on my twice-a-day Dunkin Donuts iced coffee habit....
6. Move On
2015 helped me realize what is and is not important and how you need to move past things that happen and let it go. I hope in 2016 I won't dwell too much on negative events that happen and see it as a learning experience, instead of as a stressful one.
7. Read More
I never really pay as much attention to the news as I should and hope to check it more often and get hip with the outside world happenings beyond my college bubble. I hope to find more time to read books when I am not super busy with class assignments, as well.
8. Love myself
2015 taught me a lot about myself. After a four and a half year relationship came to an end, I was able to focus solely on myself for the first time and learned who I am as an individual. Isn't that a part of being in college? For example, I realized I was unhappy in my major, changed that and am so much happier and am working towards being more successful. I've realized there is so much I am interested in. I became a lot more confident as well and hope to continue to make positive decisions to bettering myself in 2016 as well.
9. Spend less time on social media
If you know me you know I love capturing the moment and taking and posting pics. [Do It for the Insta!] So I probably won't be off Instagram. But Twitter has been more of an annoyance than a good way to keep in touch with friends.
Happy 2016 and I hope you make and keep all your resolutions!