The other day one of my friends challenged me to write 14 truths about myself. And let me tell you, I’ve never had a more difficult time writing anything. Funny, right? I know myself so well that I can’t come up with 14 simple truths about myself. But as I sat at my desk, desperate to come up with 14 facts about me, I started thinking. I didn’t just want my 14 truths to be simple things, like “my favorite color is grey,” or “my favorite movie is Spectre,” I wanted my 14 truths to say something about the person I am, and the values I hold near and dear to my heart.
So, I want to challenge you all to come up with your own 14 truths. Trust me when I say it will be hard, but know that it will be worth it. May your 14 truths bring you clarity, help you better understand yourself and the people and things that are important in your life, and always give you a reason to smile.
- I live to travel
- There’s nothing I love more than an adventure
- I have a love-hate relationship with reading good books
(read this, it'll rip you to shreds, but it's so perfect)
- I think cooking is an art, pairing flavors and textures together is a unique representation of character
- There are few things in this world that I love more than golf.
- I hate when it snows and then the snow doesn’t stick to the ground
- I truly believe in fate. Que sera, am I right?
- Overcast days will always be better than sunny ones.
- I like to surround myself with people who can make me laugh. Really, truly, laugh.
- I think your ‘recently used’ emojis say a lot about you as a person
- I definitely have a bad case of Potomac fever. The natives in DC say that when you come to DC for the first time, you begin to catch something they like to call Potomac Fever; meaning you’ve fallen in love with this city and never want to leave. I spent the Spring semester of 2015 studying in DC, and during our orientation events, everyone who spoke kept promising us that we would “catch Potomac Fever eventually.” Well, I’m here to tell you I’m still sick with Potomac Fever.
- Contrary to most people, I love rain
- Without a doubt, reindeer are by far my most favorite animals.
(can't handle the cuteness)
- My family (all 63 of them) and my friends are the only people in the world who make me the happiest.