People have been going to the movie theaters since the early 1900’s. It is an enjoyable activity we do to escape reality and bond with friends or families. It’s one of the first places we think of going to when planning a date. We have enjoyed watching films for years, and we still do today all across the world. We love movies because we enjoy the exciting stories. I made a list of movies that I have enjoyed over the years. I’m in no way claiming that these are the greatest movies ever made. There are so many great movies that define generations. This list is made of movies that I feel tell well-written stories that deserve to be watched. The films I mention are in no particular order. Enjoy!
The Breakfast Club
Who doesn’t enjoy sitting back and watching a John Hughes classic? The Breakfast Club is a favorite to many. I will begin by saying it’s one of my favorite movies to quote. “Eat my shorts.” “We’re all pretty bizarre. Some of us are just better at hiding it.” “Screws fall out. The world is an imperfect place.” The Breakfast Club shows what we all had to go through at one point in our lives, being teenagers. It’s warm, funny, and breaks down the stereotypical characters that appear in high school. Also, it does not have a bad soundtrack, “Don’t You Forget Me” by Simple Minds will be stuck in your head after watching this movie. If you have not seen this movie then you need to get out from underneath the rock you’ve been living under.
This is another movie that showcases the stereotypes and cliques that reside in high school. Its perhaps one of the most quoted films to-date. Tina Fey’s script is well written and witty. The characters are incredibly authentic that girls watching the show are most likely comparing the characters, such as Regina George, to girls at their own school. The film tackles very real social issues such as the “girl-on-girl” crime. It is a classic in its own right.
A Beautiful Mind
A Beautiful Mind, in simple terms, is a beautiful movie. The film is based on the late Nobel Prize winner, John Forbes Nash Jr. He is considered one of the greatest mathematicians with his discoveries in game theory. We see him teaching at Princeton and then discover his struggles with schizophrenia. The movie is beautifully made starring Russel Crowe, and I don’t want to spoil anything, so go watch it for yourself.
The Aviator
Another biographical drama, this movie is directed my Martin Scorses and stars Leonardo DiCaprio, which lets you know it’s going to be sensational. The film follows the young millionaire, Howard Hughes. We see his struggle with making the successful movie, Hell’s Angels and designing new plans. Eventually he becomes the founder of his own airline. The movie is very long and has a slow pace to it, but it is very engaging and takes you to some weird places when we see Hughes succumb to his mental illness.
Girl, Interrupted
This is one of my all time favorite movies. We see Winona Ryder, Angelina Jolie, Brittany Murphy, Clea DuVall, and Elisabeth Moss at the beginning of their careers. Angelina and Winona play so well off each other. The movie takes place inside a mental hospital ward for women, and Whoopi Goldberg is the nurse! The characters are so well developed and are each intriguing. As a viewer you can’t help but care about them and their individual stories.
The Faculty
If you want to watch a good 90’s alien invasion movie, let this be the one. The Faculty is a typical “popcorn flick.” You have a superb cast made up of Elijah Wood, Clea DuVall, Josh Hartnett, Jordana Brewster, Jon Stewart, Usher, and many others. The students suspect their teachers of being possessed by something otherworldly. Soon the students begin to question one another. There’s a great scene that reminds me of The Thing when Josh Hartnett’s character gets the group to snort a handcraft drug to expose who’s an alien. The film is has the quirky effects that comes with an old school sci-fi movie you will enjoy.
The Iron Giant
I wanted to add at least one animated film and I decided to focus on the underrated, The Iron Giant. The movie is simply brilliant. It is beautifully animated, well-told, smartly written, and funny; truly enjoyable to watch. The film exposes the general public’s fear of the unknown. We see the allegory of politics and power is a danger when allowed to run over humanity. The Iron Giant appears to be built to take over the world, but we see the softer side of the robot. He wants to be a hero like Superman. This gives the lesson that we choose who we want to be. This movie is not just for kids but for adults to enjoy as well.
The Dark Knight
No list is complete without Batman. Some people argue that The Dark Knight is the best super hero movie of all time. This movie is more than just raw action. It has deep meaning, symbolism, and powerful dialogue pertaining to a story that endlessly keeps you on the edge of your seat and have you begging for more when all is over. The late Heath Ledger’s phenomenal performance earned him an Oscar. He brought a darkness to the Joker that we haven't seen before. The acting, cinematography, effects, and even the soundtrack are spectacular.
Benny & Joon
Last but not least, another one of my top ten favorite movies. Starring Johnny Depp, Aidan Quinn, and Mary Stuart Masterson comes a quirky yet beautiful film about an unlikely romance. Benny (Quinn) takes care of his mentally ill sister, Joon (Masterson). Sam (Depp) comes across Joon one day, and they fall in love. Sam is eccentric and you watch Depp take on a persona that is a combination of Buster Keaton and Charlie Chaplin. The film is so whimsical that is an absolute must watch and will forever remain a personal favorite of mine.