Texas State Fair Foods You Must Try | The Odyssey Online
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Texas State Fair Foods You Must Try

One of the best things about the Texas State Fair is the food.

Texas State Fair Foods You Must Try

With the fall season comes the annual Texas State Fair, which means everything and anything fried. You can enjoy breakfast foods, lunch, snacks, drinks, desserts--the options are endless. Here are some you'll find at this year's Texas State Fair.

- Deep-Fried Pumpkin Spice Donut Chip: this seems to be the key to any "basic" girl's heart. It's a crispy deep-fried donut topped with a pumpkin spice glaze, a huge scoop of ice cream, and bits of candied cinnamon maple bacon.

- Fried Oreos: this year they are changing up their original fried Oreos and introducing several limited edition flavors. The fried Oreos come in cookie dough, cotton candy, and red velvet flavors. The cookie dough are topped with chocolate chips and chocolate syrup, the cotton candy are served with a side of cotton candy, and the red velvet are topped with cream cheese icing.

- Fried Kettle Corn: a classic fair food that just got better. They shape the kettle corn into popcorn balls and then dip them into pancake batter and fry them. Each one is served with a delicious salted caramel sauce, guaranteed to make it the perfect salty, sweet combination.

- Fried Tailgate Party: they managed to combine pretty much all of the traditional tailgate foods into one perfectly fried concoction. They fill a biscuit up with a mix of chicken wings, grilled burger, pulled pork, baby back ribs, grilled sausage, and jalapeños wrapped in bacon, and then fry the meat lover's creation into the shape of a football.

- Milk Chocolate Bacon on a Stick: it's as simple as it sounds, but it looks amazing. Like they have in the past, they deep fry the bacon, but then they dip the fried bacon into milk chocolate and serve it on wooden skewers.

- Fried lobster: Pretty self-explanatory, but the dish is served with a lemon butter Champagne gravy and has been said to be the most costly dish at this year's fair. It will cost you roughly $30 to enjoy the decadent dish.

- Fernie's Holy Moly Carrot Cake Roly: They take combine carrot cake, cinnamon bread, carrots, and raisins and roll the pastry into shape. Then they cover it with cream cheese and use a mixture of nutmeg, panic, cinnamon and graham crackers for the breading. Of course it is deep-fried to perfection and topped with cream cheese frosting and powdered sugar.

- Lone Star Pork Handle: It's a bone-in pork chop marinated with pork rub. Then they dip it into batter that is made with Lone Star Beer. They generously coat the pork chops with bread crumbs, deep fry it until it is crispy and golden brown, and serve it with a bourbon barbecue glaze.

- Cowboy Corn Crunch: These fried little bits are a combination of corn, jalapeño, cream cheese, and bacon then fried for a great savory treat.

- Pretzel Crusted Pollo Queso: They mix together shredded spicy chicken, bacon, cream and Monterey Jack cheeses, cilantro, and Sriracha sauce. Each one is rolled into a ball, coated with a pretzel breading then fried, and accompanied by a jalapeño ranch sauce.


- Deep-Fried Sweet Tea: They managed to deep fry a Southern classic drink. They mix together sweet tea and custard filling, and then cover it in graham cracker crumbs. Then they deep fry it and drizzle the yummy treat with a sweet tea syrup.

- Deep Fried S'Mores Pop Tart: This also isn't a new fried food item at the fair, but it is my personal favorite. It is hands-down the greatest thing I have ever tasted. They dip the s'mores Pop Tart in batter and then once they fry it, the chocolate and marshmallow gets gooey and melty and it's amazing. I highly recommend it.

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