Back in 2007, when most 12 year olds were fawning over movies like Enchanted, Sweeney Todd, or even the latest Harry Potter, my favorite movie was a bit different. A unique film, known to few as a masterpiece, Waitresshad stolen my heart.
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I still remember the first time I saw this movie, at my Grandmother's house. Every Sunday growing up, my mom and I would visit my Grandma's house for some coffee in the afternoon. My Aunt Jackie and my Grandma were always watching lifetime with some crazy thriller movie or sappy romance. But one Sunday, when it was time to go, I couldn't be pulled away. While this movie may not have been the best for a 12-year-old to watch, something really drew me in. Whether it was the making of pies and my love of baking or the funny comments made by one of the waitresses, Becky: something about this movie was truly gold.
Waitress unfolds the story of a waitress at a pie diner, Jenna, in a small southern town. Jenna is known for her signature, pies, something she learned from her mama. The roots of family and the connection between mother and daughter is carefully interwoven throughout the story as Jenna clings to pies to keep her life in order while facing the fear of becoming a mother herself. She struggles to find the affection in the marriage with her controlling husband, while love actually surrounds her through her many relationships with friends, coworkers, bosses, and even her doctor. The true strength of this beautiful woman in the underdog position is remarkable and inspiring to girls of all ages.
Over ten years later, I was excited to hear that this play had come to Broadway. My mom instantly knew this would make an amazing surprise, remembering after all these years that the Waitress still was my favorite film. This play was nothing short of amazing.
Whether you are a stay-in-and-snack-all-night kind of person or an adventurer seeking new excitement,Waitress, whether on the small screen or the big stage is the way to go.
The play perfectly captures the hilarious back and forth of characters Becky and Cal, the steamy tension of Jenna and Dr. Pomatter, and the immense bond of true love felt through friendship. Everything down to the southern accent of Jenna and her spontaneous pie recipe creations were brought to life on the stage by the amazing, Jessie Mueller.
The catchy and heart-warming tunes of "Sugar, Butter, Flour" took the movie a step further. Sara Bareilles' talent is impeccable, capturing the mood and tone of the story to bring the audience to tears, both from gut-busting laughs and tugs on the heart-strings.
If you're ready for a truly decadent experience of laughter, tears, and tasty pies, the musical continues on Broadway well until summer 2017. If you are more into plot than musical stylings, the movie is the original charmer that has stolen the hearts of many and should definitely be on your must-see list for these hot summer days or the upcoming cool autumn nights.
The touching story of an ordinary woman dealing with the struggle of failing marriage and an unwanted pregnancy, mixed slowly with comedic additions from the entourage at Old Joe's Pie Diner, and sprinkled with a dash of yummy pies is one that surely should be enjoyed by all!