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20 First Apartment Essentials You Can't Forget At Your Parent's House

You're gonna need these things...


Moving into your first apartment can be exciting as well as nerve-wracking. Living on your own is a great way to become more independent and to learn more about yourself, but it can also be a bit scary.

I recently moved into my first apartment on my college campus. While perhaps it's a bit more like a dorm than an apartment, I found there were some items that I'm glad I didn't forget at home.

In the bustle of packing your things and moving in, it is easy to forget a thing or two, but there are some things that are just too important to forget.

1. Vacuum cleaner

vacuum cleanerGiphy

Despite your apartment being "new", it could still be dirty. Make sure to vacuum before doing anything else, and then hold on to it for regular vacuuming!

2. Clorox wipes


These wipes are LIFESAVERS. They clean almost anything and are great for quick cleaning.

3. Coffee maker


Everybody needs coffee. Everybody. You need coffee.

4. Key chain


Don't get locked out on your first day. Invest in a cute lanyard or keychain and never let it out of your sight.

5. Dish soap


You're going to have dishes and you're going to have to wash them. Buy some dish soap and get to work!

6. Shower curtain


Apartments don't come with shower curtains. You're gonna need to buy one.

7. Bug spray

bug sprayGiphy

Depending on how old your apartment is, and where it is, you might have a bug problem. You're gonna want to have bug spray on hand, and maybe the number for a good exterminator.

8. Lamps


You're gonna love lamp when you arrive to move in and realize your apartment has no built-in lighting. If you don't want to be eating your macaroni and cheese by candlelight, you should purchase a lamp or two or three.

9. Water filter


Sometimes the water that comes out of your sink tastes nasty. It doesn't mean it's toxic or anything, it just might taste gross. If that's the case, having a water filter pitcher or a faucet filtration system might come in handy.

10. Toolkit


You never know when you might need a hammer or a screwdriver...

11. Shoe rack


You're always going to have to many shoes than you'll know what to do with. Invest in a shoe rack. Problem solved!

12. First aid kit

first aidGiphy

Having a first aid kit lying around is always a good idea. Whether you need a Band-Aid or some antihistamines, you'll be happy you had a first aid kit.

13. Pots and pans

pots and pansGiphy

If you plan to do any cooking in your new apartment, you will need to have a few pots and pans.

14. Plates and bowls


In the long run, buying a cheap set of plates and bowls will be less expensive than buying paper products, and better for the environment!

15. Cutlery


Along with plates and bowls, you will probably need forks, spoons, and knives.

16. Rugs


Rugs are a great way to make a space your own while also covering up any weird carpet stains.

17. Chargers


You really can't forget this. Make sure you bring your phone charger, laptop charger, and any other charging cables you need. Seriously.

18. Extension cords

extention cordGiphy

Extension cords are SUPER helpful. You never know where the outlets are going to be, so being able to stretch your cords is essential.

19. Stationary


Writing letters to friends and family is a great way to stay in touch, so get yourself some paper, envelopes, and stamps!

20. Mugs


Finally, if you bring anything, bring a mug. It is a cup, bowl, and plate all in one. You really can eat anything out of a mug.

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