As summer is quickly approaching, I think we can all agree we are eager to ditch days locked in the library for days spent in the sand. What's summer without a bucket list?! Here are some must have to-dos for your best summer yet:
1. Go to a concert.
J Biebs and Beyonce on tour during the same summer. SIGN ME UP.
2. Take a beach trip.
What's better than a weekend trip to the beach with your best friends?
3. Make dinner for the fam.
Corn on the cob, grilled chicken, a fun & easy salad. Your family will be impressed. New chef in the house?!
4. Binge watch an entire Netflix show in one day.
Save it for a rainy day. Some days are just meant to be spent inside cuddled on the couch watching The Office.
5. Camp in the backyard.
For those who aren't the "camping type," this is a tradition that never gets old. You can sleep under the stars but use the bathroom that's 10 feet away!
6. Try every flavor at an ice cream shop.
Impossible? No way. There are so many flavors to be tested. Who knows, you may find a new favorite!
7. Exercise as much as you can.
To burn off all that ice cream. Get outside in the sunshine as much as you can, whether it be a leisurely jog around the neighborhood or a swim in the pool.
8. Go to a drive-in.
Watching a movie under the stars is one of the coolest things ever. You must try it!
9. Volunteer your time.
There are so many ways to help your community. Get involved.
10. Read as many books as you can.
Since the school year is so busy, it can be hard to find time to read books you actually enjoy. Summer is the best time to read book after book!
11. Tan. Tan. Tan.
No explanation needed.
12. Run a 5k!
A great way to stay in shape, have fun, or help a good cause.
13. Go to the zoo.
Who doesn't love a hot day spent eating ice cream and petting animals?!
14. Have a picnic at a park.
Something about eating good food on the grass under the sun. It's a must.
15. Road trip.
Pack the car and go somewhere you've always wanted to go.
16. Do something you've always been scared to do.
Summer is the best opportunity to try something new.
17. Write in a journal.
Reflect on your days spent relaxing. As life gets hectic and busy; it is nice to look back at the memories we've made.
18. Go a week without social media.
This one is hard, some may even say impossible. But I hear a week social media free is good for the soul.
19. Spend time with family and friends.
20. Sleep. And sleep some more.
Yes, please.
21. See a Broadway show.
22. Spend hours in the pool.
I expect to be a wrinkly prune everyday from the copious amount of time spent floating in the water.
23. Go on a hike.
A little nature is good for ya.
24. Discover a new city or town.
25. Eat as much fruit as possible.
26. Sip a drink out of a mini umbrella.
C'mon, so cute.
27. Treat yourself to a new bathing suit.
28. Watch every single Disney movie.
Impossible? Nah.
29. Cook or bake something that's been on your Pinterest board for years.
30. Relax and have fun!
As the school year winds down, relaxation is a must. Here's to a great summer!