New year, new apps, right? If you're anything like me, your phone is probably clogged up with old apps you haven't even opened in months. This inevitably slows down your phone, causes you anxiety, and ruins your life. OK, maybe it doesn't ruin your life but wouldn't things be so much easier with a cleaner, faster phone pimped out with these awesome apps?
WARNING: You may fall in love with these apps, download at your own risk.
1. Mint

Whether you're a college student or recent graduate saving money is most likely a top priority. This app helps you not only manage your money but what you spend your money on.

I haven't actually downloaded this app yet, but my roommate won't stop talking about it, so it must be all that and a bag of chips. This app supports locally owned coffee shops partnering with them to provide you with a database of awesome Instagram-worthy cafes.
The best part is that they screen the coffee shops first and make sure they're good. But wait there's more, it also saves you money! You pre-pay for the "cups" you buy and can get anything you want in that cup! Your first cup is free and if you recommend it to a friend, you get credit for even more free coffee! Can you say coffee, coffee, buzz, buzz?
3. MyFitnessPal

If you don't have this app by now, you're doing it wrong. This app helps monitor your diet and exercise while giving you a fitness guideline.
4. The Skimm

This isn't quite an app but a must-have! It's a morning newsletter sent to your email first thing in the morning. It consists of all the big happenings in the headlines for the day, but makes it easier to understand and more fun to read.
5. Moments

Have you ever taken pictures on a friends phone but had to wait days to get the photos from them? Not anymore! This app has a "ask friends for photos" button as a gentle reminder until they finally send them. It allows you to store your photos on here, without clogging up your phone. Create albums with friends based on events by easily sharing large amounts of pictures with individuals or groups while keeping them private. You can like, comment, request or post photos, and even thank others for sharing.
6. Around Me
Ten times better than Siri... Siri(ously). This app allows you to find whatever it is you may be looking for (bars, clubs, concerts, parks, restaurants, gas stations, and more). It shows you the proximity, rankings, reviews, and other information to help you decide where to go.
7. Starbucks

Call me basic but Starbucks app is one of the best things that ever happened to my break at work. I can order and pay for Starbucks on my app and then just pick it up at the counter when I get there! No lines, no waiting, no worries.
Well, there you have it, folks. Some fresh new apps to clog your recently de-cluttered phone with! You're welcome.