So you think all Muslims are terrorists? Well, you couldn’t be more wrong.
It is no longer under the rug that people are starting to HATE Muslims. In fact, history reveals that the bigotry towards Muslims and their religion has been there for decades. However, today it has become one of the must-follow trends and from what I can see, the streak is not going to tail off any time soon. Even though, some people deny their animosity towards the Muslims, they do, however, get nervous around people in Muslims garbs, including the MUSLIMS THEMSELVES.
Why? –“Just about every terrorist attack is Islamic,” they say.
This is probably the biggest misconception anyone can ever have in regards to Islam and its people. The media has time and again portrayed Islam as a cult which, if you join, you are a terrorist and it becomes a part of your agenda. What’s funny is how if a specific group of people launch attacks on any group of people irrespective of who they are, it is labelled as “hate crime” whereas if you open fire and have claimed to be a Muslim, you are unquestionably a “terrorist.” When no other religion is being targeted, I wonder why Islam is constantly being subjected to grotesque distortions.
According to a report by the FBI, 94% of the terrorist attacks carried out in the United States (from 1980-2005) have been carried out by the non-Muslims. As a consequence, it’s over nine times more likely that the perpetrator is a non-Muslim than a Muslim. The report has confirmed more acts of terrorism by the Jewish community than the Islamic. But who would have the nerve to tag them? No one. It would be political and social suicide to do such a thing. Most Americans would shut it down as some “defunct judgement.” Too bad it’s nearly not as close when it comes to the Islamic community.
Now since everyone has been so meticulously presenting false statistics, let me drop in some real facts. Five out of twelve Noble Peace Prize winners are Muslims. That’s about a 42%. Funny, how the 6% acts has more attention even though statistics usually respond to bigger numbers.
Just because someone claims to be a Muslim, doesn’t necessarily mean he is one. Being a Muslim calls for a lot more than just the title itself. There are a bunch of rules that one has to follow in order to be called a Muslim and according to the grapevine, none of that includes unlawful death of the innocent.
Now let’s put that on hold and talk about “Jihad.”
This word keeps coming up at the mention of Islamic terrorism. According to many westerners it is said to symbolize “fighting for the sake of God.” However, the true Arabic meaning of Jihad stands to be “Struggle.” There are many forms it which includes, Jihad against oneself, Jihad by being vocal, Jihad by action and Jihad by sword. Each form of Jihad has been ranked differently, among which “Jihad against oneself,” has been given the highest position. Jihad is basically an act of striving in the way of God. NO, it is NOT a declaration of war against other religions. The Qur’an has specifically referred to Jews and Christians as "people of the book" who should be protected and respected.
Which brings me to my next point. “Muslims are barbaric during wars.” A true Muslim isn’t supposed to be. I’ll tell you why. A Muslim army has to follow eight rules, when it comes to the conduct of war. Here goes the list..
-Do not commit treachery.
-Do not go off the right path
-Do not mutilate dead bodies
-Do not kill children
-Do not kill women
-Do not kill aged men
-Do not harm or burn trees
-Do not destroy buildings.
Surprised? Don’t be. Just drop your biased disposition and I promise you, you’ll see things a lot clearly.
You see, the media quite literally feeds off of controversies. It is looking to create a stir in your mind and its force on your perception is as powerful as gravity is on light. They have what you call the “ability” to twist things around and turn it over into a far cry from what the reality is and to be honest, your level of ignorance is serving them a plateful.
All it takes for is a little effort and an open mind. The truth will come in your direction as smoothly as the hate will leave your side. Or you could turn a blind eye, pass on your inane logic and have people quote you on that.
Now, who would you rather be?