9 Musings Of A Perpetual Snuggler | The Odyssey Online
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9 Musings Of A Perpetual Snuggler

Your snuggles might just be my drug.

9 Musings Of A Perpetual Snuggler
Erin Hamric

If I fits, I sits, and if you sits (or stand or lay down), I will squish up next you for warmth or the endorphin high that comes from the close contact of good friends, loved ones and even a delightful inanimate object that resembles something that gives affection. I have no shame in confessing to always wanting to snuggle. I'd take snuggling over chocolate any day. Every snuggle situation is different, but a few thoughts have constantly crossed my mind over the years.

1. I always wonder when it is acceptable to snuggle.

At what point is it acceptable for me to curl into a ball near you? I love hugs and nestling, so if you consent to it and I find you a kind person, prepare for a Kristin all up next to you.

2. Snuggles will make the movie less scary.

I firmly believe in this notion. I love horror movies, but as soon as someone decides to throw an irrational amount of gore scenes, whoever is beside me is taking a Kristin to the shoulder. Hope you like blonde hair in your face because you won’t even see me coming...

3. Some inanimate objects can be OK snuggle buddies.

I figured this out at an early age; if you want to be snug as a bug in a rug, put all those used to be unnecessary throw pillows on either side of you and nestle in. Guaranteed you won’t be cold. OR, when you run out of work at your office job, a desk chair with arms will hold you...

4. My boobs make excellent pillows (for myself and others).

I do confess to the fact that I sometimes face plant in my own chest. This summer I have had an extremely long commute on a charter bus, so I will use my own ... errm ... large endowments to rest my chin against as a pillow.

When I worked at a daycare, the little kids loved to use me as a chair during movie time because I was “soft and comfy…” Thanks, children.

In relationships, I am the pillow, but no one gets that luxury for long. I choose to be the little spoon nine times out of 10.

5. I judge significant others on their ability to snuggle.

I don't like to judge, but if you can kiss like a dream but don’t know how to wrap your arm around me tightly in an awesome hug, you just lost brownie points in the realm of how wonderful I think you are.

6. When it is cold, I just want a heated blanket or a snuggle companion.

Either situation is ideal, but the heated blanket won’t tell me they must leave my side or heat stroke. Hmmph.

7. Please realize it is all about the snuggles.

Sure, kissing is great and all, but if I tell you I just want snuggles ... it is quite honestly all I freaking want. Do not touch ... just snuggleee.

8. Snuggles are necessary for human development.

Studies have shown that those who grow up in nurturing environments are generally happier people. That being said, I have a hug/snuggle quota, and when it is not met, I am a sad puppy.

9. Nothing tops a mom snuggle.

From a broken heart, to a failed test, or just the realization you are an adult now and that the world is not always so kind. Mom hugs fix everything, if only for a minute. They let you know there is light at the end of the tunnel.

Snuggle on...

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