Let's be real, music contains more substance than just entertainment. Besides just jamming out to some of my favorite songs while in the car with my best friends, I have recently discovered how much music has helped me shape every aspect of my life in some way. For musicians, music is a way to express talent in an art form that people relate to in an enjoyable matter. There is so much power in music to convey messages.
Music has been a prevalent part of my life since I can remember. Looking back, there are only a few times I can recall not having a song stuck in my head. And because of that, I have come up with five things that all music fanatics like me will find relatable.
1. Freedom of expression
Whether you are producing/creating music, performing/reproducing songs with your own authenticity, dancing to it or simply sharing your favorite artists with friends, being able to express personal emotions through the art of music is such a profound feeling. Also being able to witness someone who uses music as a freedom of expression tells so much about who they are.
2. Ability to transform indescribable thoughts
Sometimes we encounter situations, good and bad, that leave us feeling emotions and tenderness that can't formulate into comprehensible words. The power of lyrical justice puts these incomprehensible thoughts into a song.
3. Sanctification
Sanctification is noted as the state or process of being set apart and made holy or sacred. Although this term is usually used in a theological sense, I believe that music can be sanctifying. People make certain music sacred or holy in their own terms by setting it apart, at a higher standard, as relative to their lives and relevant circumstances and situations.
4. Literal healing
Music can relax us, exhilarate us, even empower us. After a long day, some classical music may soothe you and physically relax your body while distracting your mind. When we are excited, or trying to lighten the mood before a big event, we often play exhilarating music to alter our mood and make us feel a certain type of excitement. Music with a strong message may even motivate us.
Now, in no way am I a research expert, but there has been an excess amount of research put into the concept of musical therapy (And I would strongly suggest checking out further research about musical therapy). It is truly miraculous what mental effects music can have. Just think about a time when you've heard a song that makes you nostalgic -- take that concept and apply it to dementia patients. The ability to pair patients with a song that is stored in their memory with a specific moment can help engage them to recall further memories, reduce agitation, assist communication and improve physical coordination.
5. Worship
Personally, music is a way to truly connect and give praise to my savior. Christian music has truly made worshipping the Lord such an amazing experience for me and it allows me to connect my passion for music with my passion for the Lord. As I become more familiar with worship songs and the Chrisitan genre of music, the more I fall in love with it. It is such an easy way for me to really communicate and relate with God.
There are multiple aspects of music that can impact a person's life. The power behind music is not as recognized as it should be, but music can save lives -- literally! Music is way more than just entertainment.