When you go to college, you’re bound to cross paths with people who aren’t the same major as you. The two questions that are most frequently asked are: “What year are you?” and “What’s your major?” In my case, the answer to the latter is BFA Musical Theatre. This means that I, among hundreds (if not more) of other students, are pursuing a Bachelor of Fine Arts. The next question that follows after I give my answer is the question that lights the fire of rage in every performer's soul: “So like, what are you going to do with that? Like, what can you do with that?” Which is generally accompanied by a smile of sympathy and superiority. It’s almost as if the person wants to look at you and say, “Oh, how cute, some of us have real majors that require actual intellect.” Well. I am a Musical Theatre Major, but I’m not stupid.
It might come as a shock, but people in my field are some of the most intelligent, brilliant, and creative people you will ever encounter. We are dreamers, but we are realistic. We aren’t so naïve as to believe that as soon as we graduate, we will become rich and famous and go straight to a Broadway stage. We want to be working actors. We feel compelled to tell stories. Just because we aren’t majoring in Chemical Engineering or Business or Biology or Zoology does not mean that we do not have the mental capacity to do those things. In a Liberal Arts setting, we have to take “core” classes anyway, and 9 times out of 10 we are better at memorizing the information than STEM majors are — just like we memorize our lines, lyrics, and/or choreography. I’m a Musical Theatre Major, but I’m not lazy.
We didn’t pick this as a major because it’s fun or easy. This field is more than just tests and formulas; this involves so much more than just studying or practicing. Being an MT is emotionally grueling at times and it isn’t just about talent. It is about being passionate and having the willingness to learn and grow and self-evaluate and improve and take criticism and take care of your body and voice at all times. It is realizing that your body, soul, heart, and mind are all that you have as a performer. When you’re sick? Oh, man. In any other major, you just take meds and copy notes of what you missed. In this major? You stock up on Throat Coat, Vitamin C, Probiotics, Grapefruit Extract, Emergen-C, and water, water, water. You cannot afford to skip any classes. This major is not easy. You constantly doubt and tear yourself apart, trying to be the best that you can be. Sometimes it turns your friends against you simply due to competition. It makes you cry. Cry because of the content that you’re performing. Cry because you are so happy that you finally belted that C sharp. Cry because you’re proud of how far your class has come. I am a Musical Theatre Major, but I am not arrogant.
Yes, we made it into our BFA programs because we all have something in common — talent. We can acknowledge that we are talented; in fact, we need to. We need to be confident. If we’re not, how do we expect others to believe in us? We have to believe in ourselves. Not to say that the fine line between confidence and arrogance doesn’t get crossed by some, but most of us manage to stay grounded. This business is about working with people. It is a people business. We strive to keep our ego down and our humility high. As a performer in the business, you have to be a person that someone wants to work with. You have to be a professional and a human being, not a robot who sits in cubicle five days a week. I’m a Musical Theatre Major, but I’m not uncertain.
I am very sure of my major. I will not change it to a “safer” field. I will not be told that I cannot make a career out of my college degree that I will spend the next three years of my life working hard on and continuing to make the Dean's List. I will not be told that I’m lazy and picked an easy major. I’m certain that I made the right choice to pursue my dreams. I do not need a backup plan, because I know that my intellect, creativity, strength, humility, open-mindedness, and professionalism will take me very far. Yes, it is not guaranteed that I will find paid acting work, but you know what? Nothing in life is guaranteed. I’m going to spend my life doing what makes me happy and what will give other people joy as well. I’m a Musical Theatre Major, and I’m anything but conventional.