Becoming A Musical Sister | The Odyssey Online
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Becoming A Musical Sister

My view and transformation from an only child to a sister in a great service sorority.

Becoming A Musical Sister

Growing up an only child, you have a different way of viewing the world. You don't have siblings you play with or have to share with. Your parents focus on you. I never felt bad about being an only child; I loved it. But in one promise, I went from being an only child to having about 40,000 new sisters.

At age 19, I was in college at Southwestern Oklahoma State University. I was looking forward to the spring semester and being a member of the Wind Ensemble.

Then, I received my bid.

The members of Tau Beta Sigma - Gamma Phi wanted me to become a sister. Not only that, but I found out later that day that my best friend and roommate were on this journey with me.

What is leadership to me? Leadership is a skill that not learned through a class or presentation. I believe everyone has this power to be a leader, and it takes the right moment or person to bring out the good qualities of a leader in a person. A leader is a caring individual who can give direction, take input and be the best for the group.

Why did I want to take this journey? I found Tau Beta Sigma as the best fit for me because it didn’t matter where you came from or what major you were striving for. Serving the band was the focus, as well as a strong supported sisterhood where you could be yourself. I want to be a part of something bigger than myself that will continue to refine my leadership skills throughout my entire journey to becoming a sister.

What does Tau Beta Sigma Mean to you? Being a sister in Tau Beta Sigma is about diversity and understanding where people come from and knowing no matter what, we are all a sister in the bond. You have to understand and care for people, even if they are not your favorite. Understanding this and loving the sisters you have been given will let you go far in Tau Beta Sigma.

I spent the next two months learning the history, completing service projects and keeping up with my class load. I grew closer to my best friend and created new friendships and bonds with the sisters of Gamma Phi. I was president of my rush class and made close friends with my treasurer, and soon, we were all studying together. There were late night study sessions, random pizza hang outs and class advice from older members – all things that I had never had as an only child.

April 1st was the day I took my oath. Tau Beta Sigma is all about putting women into leadership roles in the band world. Through their development of leadership, education, music and service. Tau Beta Sigma will continue to serve the band programs through the service and the way they are looked upon in leadership roles.

I woke that morning as an only child, and that night, I went to sleep being a sister in a service for my band sorority. I gained sisters and brothers and more friends than I could ever want.

I would like to thank my sisters and brothers and everyone who has helped me along the way. You guys have been my support system in this new journey. Now, I can take the next step in our chapter in adding new sisters and passing on the history.

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