Pho-get about kawaii bubble tea gramshots, there’s a deeper way to show the world how in touch you are with eastern culture: embody the harmonious balance that feng shui brings into people’s homes.
According to the Bagua, feng shui’s energetic compass, each of life’s eight major areas lives in different cardinal directions of your living space and have a corresponding element that increases its presence.
The finesse of feng shui is in balancing the “chi,” or life energy, in your living space so it doesn’t get stuck or move too rapidly. Objects like bamboo, wind chimes, and fountains are used to represent their corresponding elements such as earth, wind and fire. And which of these tools balances the most chi by representing their corresponding element?
Trick question you green ass grasshopper, it’s music.
So how do we feng shui ourselves? A balanced home is nice, but what about a balanced me? As much as our living space affects us, we affect our living space more. Placing a balanced person in a chaotic living space creates a balanced living space sooner than it creates a chaotic person — word to my cleaning lady, she’s a shining star. You thought I was gonna let that Earth, Wind and Fire reference go un-punned?
Any who, by balancing the root of imbalance, the body and psyche, we stand a better chance to stabilizing the world. And since we’re all 20something and have balanced bodies, all we have to balance our psyches.
While I’m not a feng shui consultant, don’t play one on the internet, and can’t balance the forces of chi in a living space, I know the feeling of personal balance and imbalance. In searching for a tool to bring myself into literal harmony, music has the unanimous winner.
Every record carries a representation of the five elements that allows it to increase the presence of whichever area of life we want to bring into balance.