10 Musicals With Female Roles That Are Almost Impossible To Play
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10 Musicals With Female Roles That Are Almost Impossible To Play

I could never, truly! Mad respect to anyone who's played any of these parts!

10 Musicals With Female Roles That Are Almost Impossible To Play

There's no denying that musical theatre is hard. You have to sing, dance, and act, usually at the same time. People struggle to walk and chew gum. It's tricky. Being an avid fan, and also a woman, I thought I might compile a list of shows that require so much from their leading and supporting ladies that my mouth is dropped open the whole time. This is in no specific order (because they're hard for different reasons), but they're all super intense. Here we go!

1. Legally Blonde-Elle Woods

Legally Blonde Wikipedia

Not only do you have to be a phenomenal dancer, and an incredibly dynamic actress, but also Elle Woods is an insanely difficult vocal part. Sustaining the note at the end of "So Much Better" is a feat in of itself, but doing that in addition to pulling off believable comedic and dramatic acting, and being featured in that many dance breaks makes this part a marathon 8 shows a week.

2. Dreamgirls- Effie White

Dreamgirls West End Production

Easily the most vocally trying role on this list, and probably among the most difficult acting-wise too. "And I am Telling You" is a hard song to sing once, let alone for a living and without blowing out your vocal chords. Effie also has some seriously intense acting moments, and is, in my opinion, one of the roles that you win a Tony just for doing and living to tell the tale, and that's warranted too. The part is that hard.

3. Once On This Island- Ti Moune

Photo taken by Joan Marcus-broadway.com

Ti Moune is absolutely a tough part, without a doubt. She's a central character who has to portray love and loss authentically, and MY GOD THE BELTS. I may be biased, because I'm a little bit in love with Hailey Kilgore, but also this part is one for the books, no question.

4. The Phantom of The Opera- Christine

Broadway.com- Phantom of The Opera

I'll be honest, this isn't one of my favorite shows, however, I cannot dispute how pretty much of the soundtrack is and how difficult a role to sing Christine is. Hitting her highest note once is an accomplishment. It's so hard that many people lip sync it professionally to avoid botching the climax of the song. Anyone who plays Christine has to be an outstanding musician, and deserves all the respect.

5. Gypsy-Mama Rose

playbill.com, Patti LuPone

While it may not be as vocally demanding as some of the other parts on this list, Mama Rose requires some SERIOUS acting ability. There's literally a song that requires a nervous breakdown mid-song, and the part needs someone who can totally immerse themselves in the role and take full control of the space in which they operate. Mama Rose is a tricky role, but is also truly iconic.

6. Next To Normal- Diana

Wikipedia-Next To Normal

Diana is another part that requires a really good actress. For this show to work out, you have to really feel for Diana and want to help her. This actress needs to help her audience understand why Diana is acting the way she is and to sympathize with her. Diana also needs to breakdown via song, several times, and if it's not done right, she can come across as a really unlikeable, not to mention her actress should also be a smart singer. Diana's music (and character) makes it super easy to fall into screlting territory, and nobody wants that.

7. Aida- Amneris


It took me some time to think about whether to talk about Aida herself, or Amneris here, because they're both incredibly difficult parts and this show requires some serious vocal talent from just about everyone involved. However, I went with Amneris for two reasons. The first is that whenever she sings, it's hard to do. She has some CRAZY belts (especially in "Strongest Suit") and she's another role that, if done wrong, becomes very unlikeable. The second, is that she has to kind of play a dual part. Amneris is telling the story from a place of mourning, but is also a character in it, so the actress has to start in a place of reflection (but without giving away the ending) and work backwards. That's a tough shift.

8. Miss Saigon-Kim

Miss Saigon Wikipedia

Kim has another really dynamic acting role. This is a super young actress that has to realistically carry some super heavy themes, as well as sing some tricky music. Kim is definitely not easy for anyone, but her youth makes the role all the harder.

9. Heathers-Veronica


Veronica is onstage almost constantly and has some really tricky music, as well as some seriously heavy acting. Veronica needs to be able to pull off both wry, sarcastic humor, and draw pity from her audience. She needs to feel realistic guilt, fear, and anger, but also make you laugh. Not to mention the incredibly strong mix the part requires and the songs that, if not sung by a conscious singer, will almost always be screlted. This is definitely a tricky part.

10. Sweeney Todd-Mrs. Lovett

Sweeney Todd-Wikipedia

Mrs. Lovett has some MAJORLY fast tempos, and her character is complex in a really weird way. The actress playing her not only has to sing at super weird speeds, and be a master at breathing while singing, particularly during her entrance song "Worst Pies in London," but she also needs to be able to simultaneously convey someone who is maternal, in love, lying, and a literal murderer. That's wild, and requires a lot of effort.

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