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25 Songs I Miss Scream-Singing In The Car With My Best Friends

The songs you would sing at the top of your lungs with your best friends, all in a list right here.

25 Songs I Miss Scream-Singing In The Car With My Best Friends
Brooke Wilczewski

We all know the exhilarating feeling of those summer nights where you drove around at night with your best friends, roof and windows down, singing all your favorite songs together. Something about the simplicity of a warm summer night and some wind in your hair with your jams on made time stop and everyone likely felt just a little bit more at peace. Even if those days of teenage summer fun are likely behind many of us, that doesn't mean we can't still listen to our old jams and relive those memories over. And over again. And again.

1. "Sour Patch Kids" - Bryce Vine

I don't think there is any song that makes me want to roll down the windows and cruise across the country to the beach with my best friends more!

2. "Breaking Free" - High School Musical Cast

Zac Efron and one of the best songs to sing running around at the top of your lungs? Count me in!

3. "Death of a Bachelor" - Panic! At the Disco

I don't know about you, but I would love to be the reason that Brendon Urie is no longer a bachelor…

4. "Rivers and Roads" - The Head and the Heart

All I have to say is feels beyond feels beyond feels beyond FEELZ.

5. "Bonfire" - Childish Gambino

The king of storytelling strikes again with one of the biggest hype songs ever.

6. "Show Me Love" - Hundred Waters feat. Chance the Rapper, Moses Sumney and Robin Hannibal - Skrillex Remix

You know those songs that just make you happy? Yeah, add this one to the list. Throw a cute boy and some ice cream in the car to this tune = absolute perfection.

7. "Pursuit of Happiness" - Kid Cudi

This might be the only song that can motivate me through my ab workout.

8. "Sunday Candy" - Donnie Trumpet and the Social Experiment

I remember the day this song first popped up on my iTunes library…I haven't stopped listening since!

9. "Strut" - The Cheetah Girls

I always thought I wanted to study abroad in London, but this song (and movie) makes me want to pick up everything and take my girl gang to Barcelona for the adventure of a lifetime.

10. "Baby One More Time" - Britney Spears

My middle school self never felt more badass singing this song at the boy that just asked for my Kik.

11. "Single Ladies" - Beyoncé

Yep, still accurate.

12. "Love On Top" - Beyoncé

*Meets cute boy ten minutes ago at a party*


13. "Sk8er Boi" - Avril Lavigne

I have never been angstier or felt more badass than I do jamming to this song. My middle school boyfriend didn't hold my hand on the way to play four square? No problem. Acne? Never heard of her? Confidence level - Daenerys Targaryen walking out of the flames with her dragons for the first time.

14. "It Wasn't Me" - Shaggy

This was the theme song of my senior prom… take that for what you will.

15. "All Star" - Smash Mouth

I'd be okay being Shrek for the day if I got to hear this song on repeat!!!

16. "I Want It That Way" - Backstreet Boys

I was crying myself a river to this song after my first breakup. Nothing really gets you over that cute boy from my PE class than busting out and screaming this song in your bedroom.

17. "Ignition" - R. Kelly

OoooOOoOooo lemme get that toot toot lemme get that beep beep… I mean okay if you say so.

18. "Hollaback Girl" - Gwen Stefani

GO OFF, GIRL. When deciding dates for Greek Life formal events, choosing someone who will unapologetically go OFF to this song is a must.

19. "Don't Cha" - The Pussycat Dolls feat. Busta Rhymes

When my dance teachers play this song for us to improv to during jazz class, you know it's about to go down.

20. "Mr. Brightside" - The Killers

The only song I am okay hearing on repeat at frat parties. Why? Because I'M COMING OUT OF MY CAGE AND I'M DOING JUST FINE.

21. "Come on Eileen" - Dexy's Midnight Runners

Let's twirl in circles as fast as I can with my best friends and fellow wallflowers (If you don't get this reference, I don't know if we can be friends).

22. "Goosebumps" - Travis Scott

Every fraternity boy ever when this song comes on: "Yes."

23. "Say My Name" - Destiny's Child

Let me just say kiss my Miss Me jean wearing tooshie because that is what you will be doing, MISSING ME.

24. "Tongue Tied" - Grouplove

This song introduced me to alt./indie/pop/rock, and I am SO grateful for it. I am just going to sit by the lake and drink my lemonade soaking in the sun with my best friends.

25. "No Role Modelz" - J. Cole

A young freshman Brooke once stated, refusing to stop watching Project Runway at 10:30 P.M., "Don't save her, she don't wanna be saved."

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