Why is band and choir important? A simple question with a very complex answer. How can something as simple as playing or singing be beneficial to your average day student? Well the simple facts are that music forces you to think in more than just one pattern. It makes you think in many directions instead of just one. You have to think about what you are playing now and what the end product is. Your mind must explore the room and listen to other parts and figure out how your part fits the band. Nothing is more satisfying than when a band (or choir) comes together to make an epic finale of beautiful music. You may be asking yourself "Why does this matter or why is this important?" It is important because it teaches teamwork and culture -- whether it's playing Vivaldi from Italy or Lois Armstrong from New Orleans. No other program offers this level of exposure. It makes you learn by not only playing, but by hearing what the culture of the time is no matter what part of the world you are in.
I am in my 9th year playing and I have played things from Italy, Germany, America, English, and many more. Nowhere else was I able to get this opportunity. Not one class has ever offered a hands on approach to these cultures where I was actually involved. So why is music important to your average ever day student? It's important because in a world where people shame others based on culture alone, music paves the way to the highest level of understanding that just simply isn't achieved in any other setting.