If you ever meet someone and they say to you, “I really don’t like music”, you should definitely run far away from them, because he or she has to be an alien. To not like music is almost similar to not liking food because just like food, music comes in many different flavors, such as R&b, pop, country, rock, hip-hop and much more. Also, just like food, everyone has their own preference of which one they like best and to not like any type is almost senile (if you ask me). Music is a universal language that everyone can understand. Music has not only saved many lives but caused many revolutions. A world without music is one that I don’t think many people would want to live in.
I remember growing up listening to those 90’s classic artist such as TLC, Boyz to Men, Aaliyah, and the list goes on. I valued music so much, that I always allowed it to alter my mood. Music had a direct connection to my emotions and it constantly caused me to feel whatever emotion that the song was portraying, whether it was a breakup song or a make-up song, it had me hooked and I was loving it. I’ve always enjoyed the way music can take you to a different place and how it can be that shoulder to cry on when there wasn't anyone else. Music became my escape and soon a way for me to release my inner thoughts through writing and playing the piano. I wrote and played whatever came to mind. This was my release, but I remember getting to a point in my life where I stopped. I felt like my words weren’t important, and these keys on the piano could only take me so far and I lost sight of my passion for music. It wasn't until after my first year of college that I regained this love for music that I had when I was younger and it was almost like it had never left.
Music has always been a huge part of my life and the idea of me not pursuing a career in it seems almost like a nightmare. I hate that it took me so long to realize it. A lot of people feel like pursuing a career in music is a waste of time, similar to getting a degree in theater. They feel as though if you are not doing it on a global scale then there isn’t a point but What some fail to realize is that nothing is a waste of time, as long as you are doing what you love. Whether it is singing, writing, producing, or managing, a career doing anything pertaining to music will make me happy. I want everyone to follow their dreams and chase them until you can’t chase it anymore, no matter what it is and no matter how many people say you won’t find a good job in that career field. Life is too short to waste your time doing something that you feel will bring in money, rather than doing something you love and are passionate about. Life is what you make it, so push through to make your dream job your only job.