Music is the best medicine. When it comes to life, there are certain things that real medicine just can’t heal, and instead, we turn to music. An unproductive day, a bad mood, a gloomy day, a broken heart, the loss of a loved one, music can help to fix them all.
An unproductive day: We’ve all been there. One of those days where you just can’t focus. No matter how hard you try you eventually find yourself back on Instagram or laying in bed watching a movie. It’s inevitable, but music has the power to get you amped up and ready to roll.
A bad mood: How many times have you wanted to sit there and scream? Or smack the next person that looks at you crooked? We all know those days. Those days where you just want to close yourself off and ignore everyone. Well, what better way to close yourself off than with a pair of headphones? I can’t tell you how many times I’ve been in a bad mood and I turned to my music for help. And help it does. After a while I find myself struggling to remember what was bothering me, and I’m able to push on with my day.
A gloomy day: It’s one of those cloudy days where you just feel bogged down. You can’t quite figure out what’s weighing you down, but you can feel this weight on your shoulders. We’ve all had those days. Maybe it’s an unlucky day, things don’t really seem to be going your way. Don’t forget about your music. Put something on, anything, and escape from whatever is bugging you.
A broken heart: We’ve all been here too. A broken heart doesn't just come from the ending of a relationship. It can come from anything, a friend moving away, the loss of a pet, the loss of something that was sentimental to you. You’re in your feels, and it’s okay. Stay in your feels, grab your headphones and zone out. Lay there and think, do whatever you have to do, but just like music help your unproductive day, or your bad mood, it will help you here too.
The loss of a loved one: This could be by far one of the hardest things to deal with. Grieving comes in waves, sometimes you're able to pick yourself back up quickly, and sometimes you're not. No matter what there is always a song that can help. Ask anybody about a song that helped them through grief, and I guarantee you you’ll get an answer. People find songs that speak to them. And there’s no better time to search for assistance and guidance than when you lose someone.
These are only a few things music can help us with. There are so many problems that you can get through with music. Music has unspeakable powers. It can help us pick ourselves back up and move forward, it can put us in a good mood and make us feel happy, it can bring us closer together, and it can bring us new friends. No matter what, you should never forget the power behind music.