As we all know, our dear musician David Bowie passed away. Rest in peace, you good soul. Honestly, this isn't about him, but it will touch upon the influence of music and what it means to each of us. From The King, Elvis Presley, to the King of Pop, Michael Jackson, music has created an inseparable bond between us and our emotions.
Ever get chills listening to your favorite song or imagining yourself how you would act if you ever sang that song yourself? I do. I was in band for as long as I can remember. I was in fourth grade and the minute I held a saxophone, I knew this would be the instrument. Of course, I wish I was a multi-talented musician like my other friends. I was in band for seven years and never got the chance to play in high school because my parents decided to give away my saxophone. It was a very sad day for myself. In seventh grade, I had a fair interest in joining choir. I was in choir for six years and loved every moment of it. I would sing in talent shows since elementary school until my eighth grade year. I wasn't the best singer, but I was good enough and really... that's why music is powerful. Though, it doesn't have to be about you picking up an instrument like a saxophone, cello, guitar or a's about the emotions that carry with you through every note.
Music is the only part of me that ever keeps me sane besides my other wonderful hobbies. Without my headphones my fantasy would never be the same. From the hundred movie I've seen that incorporates music such as August Rush, my absolute favorite, I had been always inspired to aspire in music. I used to make YouTube videos and I had my fair share in success and also bad. They don't exist anymore...#sorrynotsorry. Even though I don't have the energy or motivation to pursue in music, the memories haven't left. Music has brought me to great experiences that I will never forget. From Solo and Ensemble to talent shows and the chance to travel to Boston, Massachusetts with 49 other great performers... music will always be with me.
Take a minute to listen to a famous classic or watch your favorite movie and listen to the music score. Music scores are the key to a great movie and TV series. Watch your favorite musical and look at the people singing. Don't you see how passionate they are and the fun they are creating. Listen to every word and write down watch each lyric means to you. Understand each note and how they make the hairs on your neck stand or make the tears stream down your face. Have you ever wonder why music is a powerful form of expressing freedom? There may be explicit versions of songs and clean versions, but regardless of its supposedly restricted freedom, music has its way to speaking with the people.
I thank my favorite musician Beethoven, the orchestra, band, choir and famous artists without you all, I would never imagine living in a world of silence. You make the movies, TV series, musicals and the world. For every theme song that I create in my head makes my days a lot more interesting as they are. Don't ever let the power of music cease because it will prevail and it will continue to make us artistic human beings.
I also like to thank my amazing band director that I had in fourth grade, my wonderful choir director from seventh grade, former choir director from high school and the many teacher assistants I had in the past.