I'm sick of love songs. Now, don't get me wrong each, a love song on the radio has a nice rhythm but it has extremely unrealistic lyrics. I listen to the radio like it's my life; music is my oxygen, and my earbuds are my lifeline. Love songs will be the death of me. Every single one of them has unrealistic expectations as to why you should be in love. Every one of them has some sort of misleading lyric or underlying tone of the claims that you should be in love even if you're not in love. Now if that doesn't make sense to you let me break it down a little bit.
Welcome to science class with Liv. Every artist makes their money off of playing in your brain and making you think but you need to be in love 24/7, 365 days a year that is not true. Every person has the ability to live for themselves without another human being. But in today's society you might as well just not be alone unless you want to be weird, or an outcast.
Being in love is either overrated in the media or underrated. You never truly find the love that is in those music videos, in those lyrics, in your favorite song you listen to every day of your life. Love isn't able to be put in words. However, the music industry seems to make us all think that we need to be with somebody every single second of life for life to be worth anything. How sad is that? We have to depend on another human being for our happiness when we can't even depend on ourselves to make our own happiness. We focus on another person in our life to make us feel like we are meant to be something when we can't even look ourselves in the mirror and stand to see ourselves for more than five minutes at a time. Our self consciousness is only remedied by somebody else all because the music told us too. You can't fix what is broken and no amount of love from somebody is going to change that, especially if it's not love.
How can we expect young girls to know that they don't have to rely on a man to make them happy when we can't do it as adults. How can we ask our children to look at another person and love them unconditionally but not always have to love them in a romantic sense when we can't even do it our selves. How can we ask our young girls to look themselves in the mirror and say that they are confident when they can't do it without a man by their side to tell them that they are worthy. How can we tell our kids that they are not measured by somebody else's self-worth when that's all the music does. I'm sick of it. I'm sick of the way that love is presented in the media I'm sick of kids thinking that they have to be in love to be happy.
My lifeline is tearing my people apart.