Do Re Mi Fa So La Ti Do ~
There any many things that are universal.
Love is universal.
Truth is universal.
Joy is universal.
Music is universal.
The melody of a piano as the pianist sparkles his fingertips across the keyboard.
The sound of birds singing and twittering on a cold morning.
The sweet tune of a saxophone as it echoes through the alleys of busy cities or small towns.
Music that transfers from one person to another as it carries the various vibes and feelings.
Music that transforms the ambience from happy to bad and vice versa.
Music that it is addictive, obsessive, and eternal.
Music that brings people together.
Just like how Do Re Mi Fa So La Ti Do connected Maria Von Trapp to the children in The Sound of Music, Music links people from different cultures and backgrounds.
It’s not something you have to understand in a certain way. Music is not something you need to interpret in a specific way that aligns with other people’s perspectives and believes, but it is rather an international language that can be understood, and the beauty about its explanation is that it need not be understood in the same way, in fact, Music requires you to understand it in different ways, in one’s own unique way.