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5 Artists That Are Bound To Make Top Hits In 2019

New year, new music.

5 Artists That Are Bound To Make Top Hits In 2019

With 2018 officially at an end, people are looking for new beginnings and fresh starts for 2019. Along with all of the new routines that may be created, we're looking for new music to kick the year off with.

Here are a few artists that I believe have the potential to make the top charts in the upcoming year and make music we'll want to listen to for years to come.

1. Sabrina Carpenter 

Sabrina released the first half of her album, "Singular," and people can't stop talking about it. Her single "Almost Love" reached the top charts and was played on radio stations everywhere. The second act of the album will be released in 2019 and I'm sure it will be just as successful or more than the first.

2. Juice Wrld

Juice Wrld has had multiple songs make it to the top charts and has been really successful all of 2018. His album, "Goodbye & Good Riddance" has many top hits, especially "Lucid Dreams" which was number one for months. He also has collaborated with Future to create "Fine China." I look forward to seeing what he will go on to create in 2019.

3. Billie Eilish 

Billie Eilish is known for her voice, unique songs, and music videos which makes me think she's going to be releasing new music in 2019. She recorded a song, "Lovely," with Khalid that made the top charts and the music video has over 189 million views. In the upcoming year, I'm hoping for new music and maybe even more collabs.

4. Taylor Swift

There have already been discussions about Taylor Swift and the recording of her seventh album. There is a rumor that this album may have more of a country vibe, like the early albums she became famous for. She told fans at a meet and greets that she will have another album released before she turns thirty, which is within the next year! If her next album is anything like her recent, "Reputation," everyone will be talking.

5. Post Malone 

Everyone loves Post and with the release of his new single, "Wow.," we have proof to believe he is going to bring us even more music for 2019. This song was released on December 24th and is already number one on Apple Music's top songs. I'm excited to see the types of songs he's working on and hopefully, it will be sooner rather than later.

With these artists creating music, 2019 is sure to be a happy new year!

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