By now we are all in the finals grind. This may be the time where you are either patting yourself on the back for going to every class and paying attention, or most likely cramming because you realized you haven't been giving your full 100%. Whatever case, these foods will help you do better on finals.
First, you should ALWAYS eat breakfast before any big exam. It doesn't matter what time your exam is, you need to properly fuel your brain right from when you wake up. Fun fact, skipping breakfast can lead to a 20-40% reduction in concentration, memory, and alertness. What foods should you eat for breakfast that will lead to success? You should have protein: yogurt, eggs, oatmeal, or whole grain toast. The best tip to do well on your finals, ALWAYS eat breakfast before the big test.
Now, here goes my suggestions on what to eat while studying for finals:
Believe it or not, blueberries are the best food for you. They don't spike your blood sugar (like most processed foods do), they're high in fiber, they help improve memory (yes), and lastly they are one of the best anti-stress foods.
Most nuts contain fatty acids that are good for you, protein, and fiber. These are all essentials for your body. Fun fact, nuts also have complex carbohydrates which will help you stay awake, keep you focused, and give you an immediate energy boost.
Now when I say this, don't overload on coffee. Two to four cups a day of coffee is actually good for you, just don't get to the point where your hands start shaking. Finals week is where coffee basically becomes your savior. When you feel yourself crashing it's because your blood sugar level dropping, so a cup of coffee can bring you right back up!
Chocolate, yum! Chocolate, especially dark chocolate contains fiber, antioxidants, and small amounts of caffeine. It spikes your serotonin giving you an automatic happy feeling.
As I mentioned earlier, breakfast is a necessity for doing well on your finals. A perfect food for breakfast is eggs. They contain protein and fat which will give you energy and keep you full for hours. Also, selenium is in organic eggs will help improve your mood! Get out of that negative studying mood by scrambling up some eggs.
These aren't the only foods you should be eating, just some tips to help you get through the week. Try to watch what you're eating and drinking because whether you believe it or not it will affect your studying and final scores!