Dear Old Me,
I'd like to start off by saying not only that you rock, but thank you.
Thank you for being the weirdo that you were. Without the pounds of eyeliner you put on even though Mom told you it looked ridiculous, or the animal print everything, you would never be the person you've grown to be.
Yes, there was a requirement that to be "cool," you had to Picnik every picture you uploaded to Facebook. Yes, you wore skinny jeans with your super cool Etnies to school everyday. Yes, you stole all the boys' hats and wore them backwards because it was the awkwardness inside of you trying to be flirty. Yikes. Looking back at all of this makes me ask myself what in the world I was thinking, or how my parents had let me leave the house. All in all, this forces me to remember how much fun I had during this time.
In this day and age, all we ever think about is the brand name of our bronzer, or what kind of iPhone or Android we have. Why can't we bring back the LG enV2 (or even better, the third edition), or how about the RAZR? Let's take a minute to rewind back to the times when life was simple. I would give anything to relive the days when I would ride my bike to my neighbor's house to tell her the latest and greatest gossip of how Mike asked Sally out, or how my parents had grounded me for a week for stealing my sister's clothes. God forbid we all have to wait until Monday morning for that bus ride to school, because our weekends were just that exciting. Why does life have to be so demanding?
I mean, don't get me wrong—being in college is totally awesome. I've met the best friends of my life, I've improved academically and I've discovered many things about the real world that I never would have before if I wasn't where I am. However, being in college requires you to have your life somewhat together. In reality, who really has their life together? Every day there's either something due you had no idea about or a test you barely got to study for. Whenever you think you have your life together, think harder and I bet you'll find something you have to do. It's life.
As I was scrolling through my old Facebook pictures, I quickly remembered how easy I had it. Being in college is a huge wake-up call. I no longer have my mother to wake me up in the morning when I oversleep, and my dad isn't always around to buy me dinner as "his little girl." Now that I'm sitting back and looking at my past, I realize that I truly am blessed. I couldn't have had the best childhood without the support of my amazing parents, my beautiful sisters, and my best friends. From the beginning to now, I haven't been let down or forgotten once by any of these people. Take a second and thank them, because in life, it's the little things that matter.
- 2015 You