Pop Culture does not understand rock music and maybe that is okay | The Odyssey Online
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Pop Culture does not understand rock music and maybe that is okay

After last night, it is clear that the VMAs do not understand rock music.

Pop Culture does not understand rock music and maybe that is okay

The Video Music Awards (VMAs) aired last night and crowned some of the biggest names in the music industry. Panic! At The Disco's "High Hopes" won for best rock.

Wait, what?

"High Hopes" has been played on mainstream pop stations since the day it was released. It has an upbeat rhythm, utilizes high brass instruments, and includes electronic sound effects and beats. There is no breakdown. There is no prominent guitar riff or drum solo. What about this song made it rock?

I don't think there is a single element of rock in this song, and the other nominees for the award put the genre to shame:

The 1975 – "Love It If We Made It"

Fall Out Boy – "Bishops Knife Trick"

Imagine Dragons – "Natural"

Lenny Kravitz – "Low"

twenty one pilots – "My Blood"

It seems that the nominees may have been proposed based on their associations with the rock community. While the VMA awards are decided by the public's online vote, the nominees are decided by MTV producers and executives. This list did not give potential voters in the rock community anyone to give an honest vote for.

But this might not be a bad thing. People of the rock community face many frustrations when a band becomes absorbed by mainstream culture. Concerts are in bigger venues, tickets and merchandise become more expensive, and the band's sound may change to fit in with the crowd.

For now, maybe it is best to let pop culture live in the bubble of what they think is rock music. That way, we can preserve what we love most about rock and alternative music: the authentic sound and the tightknit community.

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