The lighting on campus of Middle Tennessee State University is a problem. Although some areas are very well lit, others tend to lack the amount of lighting that would be beneficial to all who may walk the campus at night. As a student I can say with experience that the lack of proper lighting can result in accidents, poor security, and can also cause the campus to seem unapproachable or uninviting to visitors. With a few slight changes, it would be easy to make the campus of MTSU just a little closer to the perfect image we all imagine for our beloved university.
The first issue that can result in not enough lighting is accidents. I believe we can all say we are clumsier than we would like to admit. Tripping over cracks in the sidewalks is already an issue during the day. Even though fixing the cracks could be an option, I think lighting would be a much more reasonable and cheaper alternative. Of course, the university cannot control the actions of others and cannot stop all accidents that may occur. Contributing to help make such events less likely, however, would be very beneficial. Improper lighting can make it incredibly possible for accidents to occur at night. Not only is this a risk factor for the person involved but can also become a liability problem for the school. Some sidewalks going from building to building have few, if any, lighting near them at all. When speaking to a local dorm resident at MTSU, she stated: “when walking out of Peck Hall, although the base of the building is well lit, after stepping off to go anywhere else, it is like walking into a sea of darkness. Having to walk across campus to get back to my dorm is a lot more nerve wracking than I like to admit.” The University of Knoxville has resorted to small solar lights that align the sidewalks. Solar lights collect their light from the sun during the day which makes them energy efficient. Not only would they be energy efficient but they would give off the perfect amount of light along the areas necessary because they are not overbearingly bright. If the campus were to place rows of these along the dark sidewalks throughout campus, it would easily solve just about any problem that could occur with these types of accidents. This now leads me to my next subject on security.
It is easier for people to feel more secure when they are in an area with a lot of lighting. This is a fact I believe at least every female would agree with. College is a time for self-discovery, enjoying life, and, of course, learning. No student wants to spend their college days worrying about crime when walking the campus at night. Even if in reality the fact of more lighting may not actually create a safe environment, it is important for those who are on campus to at least feel more secure. There are several buildings on campus that have exit doors with absolutely no lighting once you walk out of them. The University of Chattanooga has placed sensor lights on the outside of all their doors on campus. Anytime someone walks in, out, or anywhere near a door, the light will turn on. If our campus were to have sensor lights placed in the proper areas, it would help create a safer, more comfortable feeling environment. I know several students here at MTSU try to refrain from taking night classes because they do not want to deal with having to walk on campus in the dark. Dr. Bulb is an author of a research article done on the subject of lighting and mentions that “Increased safety data also comes from the city of Los Angeles, California, which made the switch to LED street lighting in 2009. In the first two years of the LED fixtures being installed, vehicle theft decreased by 13.6 percent, theft decrease by 7.82 percent and vandalism decreased by 10.9 percent. Well-lit areas are safe areas”. Whether the university installs LED lights, sensor lights, or both, the point can be proven that the amount of lighting in an area is a matter of importance. It can be one more quick and easy solution to make anyone feel a little more at ease when on campus. If anything, they sure would help being able to see things that are necessary, such as signs.
The appearance of MTSU brings me to my last topic I would like to bring to attention. Middle Tennessee State University is the home of several big events such as baseball games, footballs games, high school proms, reunions, graduations, and much more. With a lot of these events being held at night, I believe it is important to have a campus that appears welcoming to any persons that may have to visit. Adding the proper lighting to areas I mentioned previously would give an overall improved appearance. Being able to look from any side of campus and see a well lit, safe, pleasant area would be beneficial to not only students, but to visitors and Middle Tennessee State University as a whole. When looking into costs and efficiency I discovered several campuses investing in LED lights. If MTSU were to choose to switch to LED lights it would be less costly and manageable to have more lights around campus without having a drastic change in the price of electricity. This would be a reasonable solution to taking that necessary step to making our campus the friendly and well-lit environment it should be. Not only would the lighting make campus look nicer but the LEDs could also lead us more towards the “going green” movement.
The topic of lighting on the campus of Middle Tennessee State University is one that should not be overlooked. The campus is very large and only seems to be growing every year. Having thousands of students on the campus daily should mean that the needs and safety of students should be of the most importance. Having an environment that appears safe, friendly, and conventional is important to not only the students but to the parents as well. Any parent that will be sending their young adult to college will want to see that the campus they’re choosing is right for their loved one. With providing the proper amount of lighting along sidewalks, doorways, features, and main areas on campus, it will give the all around welcoming feel all campuses should have. More lights would relieve unneeded stress from students who are inconvenienced while also allowing faculty, board, and legal guardians to rest peacefully knowing that Middle Tennessee State University is one step closer to being the welcoming, pleasant campus it has the potential to be.