I have been at college for about a month and a half now. I quickly learned, that my major is not easy and everyone gets stressed about the same things. Here are some things that are probably going through our minds
1. "If someone asks me what music therapy is one more time..."
Literally everyone asks us this question. We come home during the holidays and people ask how school is going. We tell them it’s fine and then tell them what we’re majoring in. The response: "OOOH, Music Therapy? What is that?" We hate answering the question, but our professors loves it.
2. "If I hear someone complain one more time about the 4 classes they're taking."
I'm taking 9. And that doesn't include my choir, private lessons, practice time or any other rehearsals that I have that week. So you can stop complaining about how your classes suck and you have no time, because you’re wrong.
3. “Sorry, I can’t, I have class.”
Free time consists of practicing and sleep is for the weak.
4. "What ARE we doing?"
Talking about cortana and blaming everything on her. Don't question us, you don’t understand.
5. “This is the hardest thing I have ever done.”
Almost every class we walk out of, we have no idea what just happened. Eventually we will figure it out.
6. “Maybe I can switch majors.”
We have probably all thought it, but at the end of every day we love what we do.
7. "Can I sign up for music therapy, because this major makes me need it."
8. "I just sang songs, danced, and played instruments in class. Literally the best class ever.”
9. “I will hate zero credit classes”
I haven’t even started my zero credit classes yet and I’m already dreading them, but I also know I’m going to love it’s going to help me.
10. “Maybe I can just skip practicing today”
We think we can skip practicing, but we all know we can’t. If we don’t practice, we don’t learn anything. So instead of sleeping or watching that netflix episode we force ourselves to go practice.
11. “Breathe, self. Breathe. Inhale, Exhale.”
In the end, everything is ok