Searching through the library Mrs. Powercouple finds herself noticing topics of interest relevant to her life. Mr. Powercouple watches from afar, learning more about himself with each quote that stands out to her. "God only rarely reveals the future. When he does so, it is for one reason: It's a future that was written to be altered." (-The Alchemist) Noticing a smirk arise from Mr. Powercouples face, Mrs. P finds motivation to continue on with the search.
After looking for hours through books finding nothing that sparks a flame in her soul, finally a Stephen King book called End of Watch rekindles her match. Grazing her finger across the paper she begins mouthing the words, "The seeds sown in childhood put down deep roots." looking up to Mr. P she feels his pain through his eyes.
An unbearable shine reflecting from his tear formed in the center of his eye forces her to anxiously continue looking for quotes, this time using the same book. "This is my body, broken for you." Without looking up a tear falls on the page of the book. She knew that quote would bring peace to his worry without even looking up, but she also knew that distance only allows her to comfort his heart with words, yet she yearned to provide so much more.
After releasing focus from each other Mrs. P notices outsiders surrounding them as if their life was a reality television show and these people were hired critics intently watching. Being that Mrs. Powercouple is cursed with the strength of sight everyone around began to feel anxious from her glance and went on with their day. Thankful for being released from this awkward moment from hell she notices something else. A change in spirit, a change in expression almost similar to what she and Mr. P had just experienced. She at that moment realized their power.