Taking her first few steps into the library, Mrs. Powercouple exhales out her self hatred through the irony of self help awaiting her attention. Still weak from past failures being revealed to her, Mrs. Powercouple finds herself a seat at the first available computer. Sitting down she takes a deep breath, pinches her tear ducts in between her fingers, and proceeds to log into Google's search engine. "Strength", she thought, "how does one develop strength through their weakness?"
Frustrated with the lack of insight that she finds, Mrs. P logs off and continues towards the books. Reading off "Natural healing and health," she proceeded without hesitation. Sliding her fingers across the spines of each book in sight she reads off "Light" by Bruce Watson. Opening the book she looks through the chapter titles and finds, "Light and Dark on Canvas." Skimming through the pages she notices a sentence that mentioned Leonardo DaVinci reading, "he compared light to "a stone flung into the water that becomes the source for many circles."Intrigued by his thought process she continued reading, this time repeating out loud to herself.
"Look at the light and consider its beauty. Blink your eye and look at it again: what you see was not there at first, and what was there is no more. Who is it who makes it a new if the maker dies continually?" Closing the book out of reflex, she instantly thought of a movie that she had recently watched, "Concussion" starring Will Smith. In this movie Will Smith (Dr. Bennet Omalu) does an autopsy on a retired football player who went crazy for no apparent reason. After further tests he discovers a chronic disease that he reveals to scientists calling it CTE. After trying to shut down Dr. Bennets study, the NFL were forced to release his work after the epidemic increasing.
Anyways, Dr. Bennet gave a speech towards the end of the movie that for some reason was revived in her memory after reading this. "The dead speak for the living and I speak for them." Placing the book back in its slot, Mrs. Powercouple's tensed faced loosened into a childlike grin. Now almost skipping, she makes her way back to the computer finding her way back to her original seat. Logging in she opens up "Microsoft word" cracks her fingers for preparation and begins typing. Wondering her eyes across the room, she searches for the right words in her head until, "The woman for the dead" forces her fingers to press on the keyboard. "My weakness is my strength", she thought. "If I'm going to die eventually, it might as well be done for a cause, and my cause begins with the dead."