We’ve all dated someone who just wasn’t quite right...but, why?
Here are nine reasons you're probably still too in denial to admit.
1.We’re too lazy to search for Romeo, but we don’t want to watch Netflix alone.
Finding the right person takes effort, like, putting on real clothes and going outside kind of effort. Why do all of that when Brad lives right next door?
2.They were, like, Channing Tatum hot.
Smart? No. Sexy AF? Absolutely. We’re only human, after all.
3.We’re bored, so why not?
It’s not like we’re going to date forever, I mean that’s obvious. So what’s a few weeks?
4.They were supercalifragilisticexpialidocious-ly nice.
Talking to this guy gave us the same taste we’d get from chewing wet cardboard, butttt he was so, so nice. Like, we were the Queen of England to them kind of nice.
5.We’re afraid that our actual standards are too high, so we end up settling.
Where are the Richard Geres of the world?
6.They were the perfect distraction.
From work, school, family, and basically everything else that is life.
7.We’re terrible at coping, so we just accept what comes along, even if it sucks.
Sometimes being depressed makes us needy, even if the guy is a super douche.
8.Because it’s nice.
Is this the man we will reproduce with? Probably not. But we’re not bothered by cozying up with Mr. Normality for a few more weeks.
9.And, going through an actual breakup is hard AF.
Ultimately, we’re afraid of how hurt we’d be if we actually found the guy that was meet-the-parents perfect and then we had to go through the pain of losing him. It’s simply just too much to deal with at this point.