I think that we all like to believe that we can meet the 'right person at the wrong time'. I have thought that for longer than i'd truly like to admit. You know, that someone can't possibly be so right but also be just so wrong. We even go to the extreme to say "If only we had met 5 years later in life". When you are both older, wiser, more sure of how life might work out.
But is that not the exact opposite of how we think love should feel?
Love should be timeless. There should not be a right and a wrong time. I think if I continue to live my life worried that the next person I fall in love with could be right by every term in my book but has by happen chance met me a year too early or a year too late, then ill never find the one I am destined to love.
Love should be unmovable by time and happens chance. God teaches us that. Its a simple elementary bible class really. God loves us so much that even before he created us in our mothers wombs he sent His Son to die for us. That is the ultimate example of a timeless love. I always say that I want to love and be loved like Christ, but in my next sentence I might say that it just isn't the right time. That is so contradictory!
I want to think now, that the real love of my life wont be restricted by when I meet them. Real love will find you anywhere, anytime, and be so willing to stay through it all.
That is the kind of love I want. A timeless, Godly love.
So, I have met plenty of the "wrong person, wrong time" type and I am still waiting on my Mr.Right.