I have an announcement everyone. Listen up!
Mr. Right, Prince Charming, *insert code word here*, however you choose to talk about the guy of your dreams is out there.
He really is! God has someone special in mind for us but when that special person comes into our lives it's something we have to be patient about. There is a perfect person for you, but he might not be who you had in mind.
Growing up we usually create an image of who our dream guy is. It's typically based on a movie you saw, someone you had a crush on at school, or maybe someone older who you really looked up too. My best friend and I created a list of attributes our future man had to have when we were freshmen in high school. Some of these characteristics were blue eyes, taller than 6 feet, super athletic, outgoing but not too outgoing, friendly but not a flirt, and Jesus loving. Looking back these qualities are a decent representation on what I was looking for in a guy but most were very outwardly oriented.
Finding someone to do life with is not an easy task, but to only take into account the physical attributes you're looking for is foolish. Not only will the relationship be shaky but our physical appearance changes so much over time just looking at that aspect will not work the way you want it too. So I want to help you gals out with some common misconceptions about the elusive MR. RIGHT.
1. He isn't waiting outside your window.
Sorry to break it to you fairy-tale lovers, but unfortunately your dream guy is out doing his own thing, trying to figure out his own life and he probably has no idea who you are. The movies do a great job portraying love as magical. While some people have magical stories, it usually involves getting out there and creating friendships first!
2. He isn't perfect
Contrary to popular belief, your special someone is not by any means perfect. We are all human and we all have flaws so if you're looking for someone who is "perfect," Jesus might be the only person you find. I must say this though, when you find your person, their flaws and imperfections will not steer you away from them. In my past relationships, after the first initial heart eyes stage I recognized some flaws the other person had. What drove me to break up with them was that I wasn't ready to handle their flaws. When I met my husband, his flaws were also things I loved about him. To me they were beautiful, and set him apart from anyone else I had ever met.
3. He might not be anything like the guy you dreamed about as a teenager.
You might be surprised who sparks your fancy! You could have dreamed about falling for a guy like Zac Efron but the one you actually fall for is more like Will Pharrel! Is that bad though? Definitely not! Finding the person you want to spend the rest of your life with is about more than just physical appearance. Sure, you do need to be physically attracted to them but to be completely honest, if you love their personality and quirks, they become even more physically attractive to you. Plus, if you are seriously wanting to find your soulmate, liking who they are as a person is a WAY higher priority.
Guys seem like mysterious creatures to some women, but according to my husband "you just have to go out there and tell them you like them." Most men are clueless if you have a crush on them, and sometimes they have a crush on you too. However, they might be just as scared to tell you as you are to tell them. Funny how that works... :)
Don't be afraid to pursue someone who is different than your usual preference. They might just be your Prince Charming.