Dear Mr. President,
Barry Commoner, American biologist and one of the founders of the modern environmental movement, once said, "Environmental pollution is an incurable disease. It can only be prevented." These words hold truth now more than ever. Since the beginning of human life on this planet, we have been destroying it slowly but surely, and the effects are speeding up quicker than ever. The World Resources Institute (WRI), based in Washington, has already pointed out the first bad sign of your avoidance of the environment, and that was blocking out the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA).
Mr. President, the environment is no hoax, and now, weeks into your presidency, you have threatened environmental democracy and the Earth altogether. You're not only threatening the EPA, you have already banned them from speaking to reporters and sharing posts on social media, and your administration is screening all of their media requests. On top of everything else, you are reviewing scientific findings (including procedure pollution-monitoring data) case by case before they're released to the general public. Why does this matter to us? It matters because the information will be getting to us much later than it should, and it will be secondhand edited – perhaps false information, rather than the raw material. Talk about alternative facts.
Moving on, not only have you blocked information, but you've also allowed the creation of two controversial pipelines running from Canada to Texas that your predecessor blocked on environmental grounds – not to mention the communities of Native Americans and their burial grounds that you're destroying. But I guess it's okay, since this will create "great construction jobs" for Americans even though it contaminates the water supply in areas of Dakota, right? Rather than brag about creating jobs, Annie Leonard, director of Greenpeace (an environmental group), says that you should be focusing on the "clean energy sector where America's future lives."
While you call man-made climate change "a hoax," I wonder if you've researched the trend in global emissions, including carbon emissions from fossil fuels that have increased by 78% since 1970 up to the present. You believe it so much that you plan on cancelling the Paris agreement – in other words, the agreement in which the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) decided how to deal with the alleviation, modification and finance of greenhouse gas emissions by 2020. I guess you call them "political activists with extreme agendas" still.
Whatever happens, will happen. So on a serious note, Mr. President, I do sincerely hope you make the right decisions for the future of our country. Not only politically, but environmentally, because the Earth needs to stay healthy for many more generations to come. And they deserve a clean home too.