While you may once have wished for (or still do) to have a relationship like Corey and Topanga or a friendship like Corey and Shawn, you may have been wishing for the wrong relationship the whole time. If you have a Mr. Feeny already in your life, hold on to them. If you don't, you're going to want to find him because he is someone you will need at different times in your life.
Mr. Feeny has this natural inner being to forever change his students with his practical advice. Sure, he may have been just a character on a television show but the principal was always there for support, advice, encouragement and always allowed others to make their own decisions throughout life.
You may not have one Mr. Feeny. You may find him a piece of him in numerous friends or family members. However, no matter where you may find a piece of Mr. Feeny never stop searching because no matter how you old get you'll always need someone to say what he once did.