For most American kids, moving off to college is a big deal; first time away from home, first time being independent, first move. Most people cry, complain about losing touch with their friends, and anticipate what is to come. During the actual moving process, people usually become a disorganized, emotional mess.
For me, by the time I made it to moving for college, I had already gone through four moves through four different continents. I had already experienced what it was like to move away from friends, to have to start new and to have to get used to something completely different. Now that I am moving back to school for the second time, moving is kind of second nature.
Over the years moving has turned from something of excitement into something that is just monotonous and stressful. Putting your whole life in a box doesn't even phase me, it is just something that takes time and dedication just to be unpacked again. Regardless, after moving so many times you might even call me a veteran, so here are some things I have realized.
1. Moving doesn't mean losing all your friends.
You might be worried that when you move away you will lose contact with all your friends from "home", but that is just completely false. With modern technology there are ways to talk to people every single minute of every day if you want to. Now what is going to happen is that people that you are less close to will fade away, but your ride or die people will stay there. It will take more effort but those friendships will still stand.
2. Keep one box of sentimental stuff, that's it.
Sure you might be looking at all the concert tickets or photos from amazing moments with friends and family, but let's be real once you move those things won't be as big of a deal anymore. You will probably look at them occasionally, but those photos will no longer be the one's you decorate your walls with. Therefore, keep one box of things because the rest is just a waste of space.
3. Don't pack for what if, pack for what is.
We all have those shoes or that jacket that is sitting in our closet that we can't bring ourselves to throw away even though we don't wear it because of the statement "but what if I need it one day?" Now when you are living somewhere, the space that object takes up is probably small, but when moving all space is crucial, so give that thing away. If you aren't wearing it now, there is really no reason you will be wearing it anywhere else.
4. Life will change, but also not really.
Obviously when you move things will change; you will have new friends, new places to go and new things to do. But, at the end of the day most of your daily routines will be the same. You will still go to work/school, you will still hang out with friends, you will still go out, etc. So do not think that you will have to completely restart life, just think about how the scenery is changing a bit.
5. Don't compare places. Really don't do it.
The biggest faux pas when moving is always comparing the new place to the old. Now don't get me wrong I have done this many times, but at the end of the day, I have realized that it really is not helpful at all. When you move you have to embrace all the good things and all the bad, comparing might just make you feel homesick or resentful. So enjoy the fact you got to move!