Imagine you are in college and you have a job that pays decent and you are able to get by with everything you need. You still live with your parents but you have been thinking on moving out.
You are scared to tell them because you are afraid of what they will say.
They may say yea sure move out we will help you with a few things but you have to pay at least half of the cost. You would be ecstatic if they said that.
Or they might say the worst, no you cannot move out because you are not ready or financially stable enough or you could but you have to pay all bills that you have.
That would break your heart. It is tough deciding to move out of your parents house. You don't want to disappoint them but on the other hand you want to get out on your own and experience the world.
You know you are gonna go visit them still and hang out with them.
Don't be afraid to talk to your parents about it. They are normally the most understanding people you have. Also, some of the most supportive. They want to see their kids grow and experience things.
Granted they would not want you to leave the house but they knew at some point in time it was bound to happy because you can't live at home forever (well you could but you are choosing to move out).
All your parents see is that little kid they know and love growing up to a responsible adult who is wanted to spread their wings and do their own thing.
If you are moving out be weary where you are moving, take time and do research on what you want. Do you want an apartment that you have to pay rent every month that might include utilities. Or would you prefer a house that you have to pay on with utilities.
Apartments are good just look at location and what all is included. When you have your research done then confront your parents and if they see you have your ducks in a row it might help them as well.
Parents, you should be proud your little one is growing up. They could not have done it without you. You took care of them, made them work for what they want, and taught them to depend on themselves.
That is why they want to move out. To see what their limit is and to do their own things. They still love you and always will. You have to let go but realize they will be there when you need them.
You have to help them get on their feet with this. They only know so much but with you guiding them it will make the transition so much easier.