The time has come. We are finally making our way back to our respected college towns to be reunited with all our best friends after a long, boring summer that consisted of work, sleep, work, work, sleep, and repeat. I wanted to cry tears of happiness when I crossed over into Lexington after my twelve hours of torture in my car. Thoughts of late nights, living with all the girls I cannot live without under one roof made me grin from ear to ear. The one thing standing in my way is moving out of my apartment into a house across town.
Oh. My. Lawd.
I belittled the monster that is moving out, which in actuality is a monster so terrifying and annoying that it makes even the strongest bawl clutching 23 sweatshirts that they never wear, but refuse to let go. Although there is a swell of thoughts bursting from your head as you try to wrap it around the horrible mess you put yourself into, there are five common thoughts that must race around everyone's head as they say adios to their old space and hello to their new home.
1. How do I have so much clothing?!
"How did I accumulate 54 t-shirts?! A Boston College shirt? I have never even been north of Kentucky!" "15 sweatshirts?! I wear the same two every day!" "12 pairs of tennis shoes? Seems about right."
2. How in the world did I end up with this?! I am disgusting.
"How did I end up with a cardboard cutout of an eyeless Orlando Bloom dressed as Will Turner?!" "Is that a traffic cone in the hall closet?" "I can't get rid of this, I got it from [insert insignificant boy]." "Is that gallon of milk... hard?" "I am so not getting my deposit back."
3. Dear gosh, I am sweating like a pig!
"Fifteen trash bags down, one thousand to go." "The dumpster is full and it is a thousand degrees, what the heck?! "Why did I chose the third floor?!" "Crank the AC down, we paid for it anyway!"
4. Wanna take a break?
*moves two boxes into your car and begins to sob* "Y'all wanna chill for a few minutes?" *Two hours later* " Five more minutes."
5. Man, I have amazing friends!
"You don't have to help me, I've got it!" *struggles to move one end of a mattress* "I know, I know, I'm a hoarder." "Seriously, I've got it!" *still trying to pick up the mattress* "Sorry for yelling at you!" "Bless you, I couldn't have done it without you!" "I would hug you, but I'm really sweaty."