I saw my ex boyfriend with his new girl for the first time since we broke up. I immediately started panicking, shaking, and getting worked up. I did not know what to do. I prayed and eventually calmed down, but I realized something from this that I should have realized along time ago…I have to move on, too.
I know everything will work out how it is supposed to. I am bettering myself more and more everyday. He showed me my worth and my importance and I am putting that into practice. If only he could see how I am changing. I started getting better grades in school. I have focused in on my major and starting writing more. He always supported me in whatever I dreamed of and I cannot think him enough for that. I am taking time for myself and that’s okay.
I could sit here and talk crap about his new girl or how I deserve better, blah blah blah, but that’s not what I am going to do. I am going to pray for him. He deserves happiness just as much as I do. My ex and I ended things on good terms and I do not want to hold onto hate and anger any longer. If this girl that he is with makes him happy, then I am happy for him. It’s easier said than done, but I am trying. It has been hard for me. He was my every thing, my best friend and my entire life. I should not have put all of my happiness and problems onto someone else; it was not fair. It is not fair for me to be unhappy either and although I am working on how to make myself happy, it is hard when you actually seem them together instead of hearing about it.
Everyone knows that moving on is hard, but obviously it is possible. Every relationship is different and people handle their emotions at different paces. It is okay to take things slow and make time for yourself. It is okay to be selfish and figure out what makes you happy.