5 Signs You're A Southern Girl Who Went Up North For College | The Odyssey Online
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5 Signs You're A Southern Girl Who Went Up North For College


5 Signs You're A Southern Girl Who Went Up North For College
Heather DeSalvo

I planned to attend a school in Virginia for most of high school. That decision quickly changed when I visited Temple University. I fell in love with Philadelphia and Temple's campus. I knew it would be my home away from home.

However, going to Temple University also meant that I would be five hours away from home. Winters would no longer be mild. I would be dealing with snow. I would be in a completely new area. It was scary at first, but now I just laugh at my struggles.

Here are signs you went up north for college...and might be struggling a little bit.

1. You don't understand the lingo.


It's a sub, not a hoagie! Why are you calling Italian ice water ice? What the heck are jimmies?

2. You bought winter boots for the first time in your life. 


I recently bought my first pair of real winter boots. After mine soaked through last year, I realized that I'd have to make an investment.

In Virginia, wearing cheap boots worked, but Philadelphia doesn't play games when it snows. I don't regret my purchase. My snow boots are really boss.

3. Getting used to the fact that there's no Cookouts up north.

Heather DeSalvo

WAIT, THERE'S NO COOKOUT??? No jumbo M&M milkshakes? I can't have my Cookout tray with chicken nuggets, fries, and a hot dog, all for about $5? *sobs*

Yeah, I had to get used to the fact that there aren't any here.

4. It took you a couple of months to figure out public transportation.


Moving up north usually involves being close to a major city. Being near a major city involves figuring out public transportation. We have a bus that barely travels around the city back home, so I wasn't prepared for SEPTA (Philadelphia's public transportation system).

Crowds? Yep. Confusion? You bet.

I've made mistakes and gotten up miles away from where I was supposed to go. You live and you learn.

5. As soon as it gets even a little bit cooler outside, you panic.


50-degree weather in September? That's freezing! Time to get out my heavy jacket and humiliate myself!

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