It's that time of year again. No, I'm not talking about the leaves changing colors, busting out the boots and the sweaters, and the time of seasonal drinks at Starbucks. I'm talking about the start of school.
College is starting back up again and that means, its time to move again. Say so long to the summers back home, and say hello to that new dorm room or apartment.
However, with moving comes that stress of packing!
So for your convenience, I have compiled a list of things I do to ease that moving stress.
New Items
Okay, sometimes you just HAVE to buy something new. Whether its a new lamp because your place is too dark, or new bed sheets to fit those awkward dorm lengths, or even a shower caddy to carry all of your bath needs. I try to always shop at the last minutes.
"But wouldn't that make it more stressful, Shawnee?" Yeah, a little bit.
However, waiting can save you some big bucks! I always try to spend money close to when I'm leaving so I spend as little money as possible. Just make sure to keep an eye on prices online and watch them drop as school gets closer and closer!
Boxes on Boxes on Boxes
Never pay for boxes! Never EVER pay for boxes! I have never once paid for a box in my life and I have successfully moved a few times.
I go to liquor stores and ask if they have any empty boxes they don't want, and they usually always do unless someone already beat me there that day. Same with coffee shops.
Save all of those boxes that you get from Costco! Just put them in a corner in the attic or in the garage for a few weeks and they will save your life when you move! Also, sometimes I just take a few extra from a register that's closed and no one ever says anything. Shhhhhh. It's our little secret ;)
Take it Slow
You do not have to do everything the night before! It is way less stressful to being packing a few days in advance with the items that you wont use until after you move. Books, some clothes, extra blankets, shoes, are all items you can pack in advance.
Make a List
I always make a quick list of items to remember to pack whether I am moving to a new city or just going on a week long vacation. That way you remember to bring those pesky extension cords and wall adapters and you don't have to run out a buy them as your trying to get your new place ready!
In Conclusion
Well there you have it, me an experienced packer/mover attempting to make life a little bit easier for all of y'all out in internet land.