Moving home can be a pain for everyone. It's annoying, a hassle, and you go back under your parent's roof which is never fun after a year of freedom. Everything from saving money to return to school in the fall, or trying to balance seeing your hometown friends with your family, here's what its really like when you move home for summer break-- because who knows better than the Kardashians?
1. The feeling when old high school acquaintances who you never bothered to talk to in high school try to catch up. Chances are, they act like they know what you've been up to and like they know how your year went.. you know nothing.
2. When family and friends start to ask how the last few weeks of the quarter went.
3. Being forced to hang out with family, and going on scheduled vacations… oh joy can't wait for sibling feuds and posed family pictures.
4. Getting together with all your old friends who you used to party with daily, and realizing everyones tolerance went way up from being at school.5. All of a sudden everyone who stayed in your hometown is getting married and/or pregnant.
6. When people you run into ask you about school, partying, guys, and different events you went to throughout the year. I didn't know this was 20 questions.
7. Working multiple nine-hour shifts to make sure that you can even afford to move back to school in the fall. The worst part is you have to avoid spending it or else there will be nothing left.
8. Making sure that every time you do anything remotely exciting or eventful, you get a picture, because let's face it-- most of the time is spent at home in bed. Your sister suddenly becomes your photographer. This consists of multiple photos with multiple outfits and backgrounds.
9. When people try making plans with you or want to go out and 'catch up'... you had the past nine months to try and do that. I'm ready to relax.
10. And of course, your mom gets overly excited to have you home. I can't tell if being babysat or living at home again?
11. Seeing your make-up at the end of the day and realizing your contour isn't staying on as well after the lake, tanning, and ridiculously hot weather. Instead, you look like a blotchy mess. How am I supposed to look good if my make-up is literally falling off of my face???
12. I'm pretty sure Scott sums up how we all want to spend summer with this one...
13. Last but not least-- going back to school after three months off and your family just can't seem to let go.
With that being said, good luck with the transition into the summer. Enjoy it, because as we all know- it doesn't last long.
Be safe, have fun, and don't do anything Kim K wouldn't do.