The inauguration of the 45th president of the United States of America, Donald J. Trump took place last Friday. More personally relevant, it was the first inauguration that I witnessed after participating in the voting process for the first time. This election was extremely intense – and not in a good way. Because this election was particularly controversial, politics were discussed on social media, messaging, as well as over pizza at the dinner table. This created un-escapable exposure to a topic of conversation that is usually reserved for specific instances. I felt that this election caused a circulation of hate. There have been feelings of outrage, disgust, as well as, intolerance from both Trump supporters and Trump opposition. Family relationships, friendships, and mutual respect for one another have been damaged, if not destroyed for some people.
Among some Trump opposition, there has been talk of a “doomsday” of sorts. I did not vote for Donald Trump, and I cannot say that I was pleased with the outcome of this election. Yet, I have hope.
I have hope because of the passion and love people have for this great nation. We saw very divided views on the way that this country should be run, but what is important to remember is that it is our differences – specifically, political, social, and ideological differences – that make us stronger, wiser, more well-rounded, and further experienced as a nation.
I have hope because although we are divided in some aspects, we are united in far more. We are united through the human experience. As humans, we share characteristics of compassion, understanding, empathy, and respect. We will accomplish nothing through hateful rhetoric; instead, we will drive each other further apart. Regardless of your political views, your race, gender, religion, ethnicity, identity, I urge you to approach others with kindness and love.
Through love, kindness, and respect, we will be able to work together as a nation. We will continue to thrive and prosper as a nation. We will continue to progress politically, socially, and economically. We will continue to be great, as individuals and as a nation.
In the words of Presidential Medal of Freedom recipient, Ellen DeGeneres, “I believe we can all come together because if you take away the labels, you realize we're far more alike than we are different.”