Relationships. Whether it is with a close friend, a relative, a mentor, or maybe someone more than a friend, we can develop strong ties and connections with another person, or group of people. Whenever relationship bonds grow stronger and stronger, we never expect to have to maybe break that bond someday.
Letting go of a close relationship can be one of the hardest and most emotionally draining things to go through. Trust me, I’ve been there; more times than I would care for. However, while in the moment you may feel obligated to hang onto and repair a relationship, it is one thousand percent okay to let go. It actually can be healthy for you.
No one (I hope) goes into a relationship imagining that one day it will turn toxic. Nevertheless, sometimes it happens; for multiple reasons. People can naturally drift apart, or something significant could happen that can tarnish the relation and make it irreparable. Sometimes you do not see any damage occurring. You may try to repair it. You may even see it and choose to ignore it because you do not want to hurt anyone.
I get it, they are your best friend, you love them, you look up to them. Whatever it may be, a toxic relationship is never worth your happiness and your emotional and personal health. A toxic relationship means there are more bad and hurtful times than happy ones. You may feel like you have to be someone you are not. If you feel as though you are constantly stepping on eggshells or never know what to expect when you see the other party(ies), then it may be time to let go.
It is going to suck at first, but it will be okay. You will meet new people. You can and will find another “ride or die” best friend. You will have plenty of girlfriends or boyfriends that you swear are “the one” until you do find the true one and only. You may second guess your decision once you finally let go, but it gets better I promise.
“When one door closes another door opens, but we so often look so long and so regretfully upon the closed door, that we do not see the ones which open for us.” – Alexander Graham Bell
I have had to let go of my share of relationships, but that does not mean I regret having those people in my life. Letting go does not mean I stopped caring; I was just tired of trying to make them care. I still hope they live a happy life, and I will always remember the laughs and good times we shared, but the relationships just grew sour and we were creating more painful memories than happy ones. My mental, physical, and emotional health were being played with. This is when you know it is okay to move on and let go.
If you’re like me, you are a people pleaser; not a self-pleaser. So the thought of moving on from a toxic relationship makes you sick because you do not want to hurt anyone. Some people will tell you “keep fighting” or “don’t worry you guys will work it out, you always do.” Some people do not understand that some relationships are just not healthy.
However, you will have those who do support you. You are not a bad person because you want or need to let go. Sometimes you just have to think about you and your health and do what is best for you; that does not make you a bad person.
It is not going to be a quick and easy process. It will be hard, but there becomes a point when you have to stop and tell yourself you will not let this relationship take the best of you. Holding on to toxic things is not healthy. You cannot move forward if you are still holding on to something behind you. When you let go, you give yourself a chance for something better.