As if taking finals week isn't stressful enough and studying doesn't consume enough of your time, you're also expected to move out. The idea of packing up all of the things I crammed into my half of the shoebox sized dorm was daunting. Now that I'm done, I feel accomplished. I feel proud that I managed to jam all my stuff in a few boxes (ok, maybe more than a few). Luckily, I had a little help from my F.R.I.E.N.D.S when describing this process.
1. When you start packing and are optimistically hopeful that it will be a short process.
2. Realizing that you accumulated way more stuff than you had originally thought.
3. Getting bored with packing and finding ways to distract yourself.
4. Finding that *one thing* you thought you lost months ago.
5. Finally squeezing everything into a box.
6. Only to realize that the lid doesn't fit because it's too full.
7. Taking everything back out and starting over.
8. Packing for so long you start to forget little things like taping the box shut.
9. Asking your friends to help you pack.
10. But they know you're a hoarder.
11. Getting everything out of the building.
12. Finally loading the car.
13. Getting home and realizing that now you have to unpack.
This article is brought to you by many deep breaths and a big roll of packing tape. Packing is a total pain, but at least it means summer is here!