It's finally August, and we all know what that means: back to school time! It doesn't matter how old you get, the idea of this is always a little daunting. But once you are in college, that daunting task of packing your book bag and getting to bed at a decent hour turns into a much longer list of things we must accomplish. The way it works is we get two to three months of relaxation, staying up as late as we want, doing whatever we want, and then suddenly we are thrown right back into the school atmosphere and expected to adjust. In the long run, it doesn't end up being as bad as we think it is going to be (hopefully), but that first night back always brings about a whirlwind of emotions. To help explain, here's some gifs to tell the story of a college kid returning to school:
1. Who are you people?!
With all of the new freshmen and transfer students, it's like an alien invasion! We become comfortable with everyone and then BAM! Here's a load of new people--enjoy!
2. Move-In Chaos
Never been to the zoo? No problem. Just head to any college campus on move-in day. It's the same thing.
3. Unpacking
You spent so much time packing up your entire life, and now you get to sit in a tiny room with another person and all of their stuff while trying to make it all fit. End result: tears.
4. Seeing your friends for the first time in a long time.
Let's face it...this is really the first thing we all do. Find your friends and attack them to show them how much you missed them.
5. Moving in at the same time as your roommate.
Dorm rooms are small; we all know that. But remember that shrinking room in Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory? I'm pretty sure that's what our rooms turn into whenever your family and your roommates family are in there at the same time.
6. Eating school food for the first time in a long time.
After a few months at home, your body begins to love itself again because you are nourishing it with home cooked food, made with love by your parents. Then here you are, sitting in your dining hall again taking that first bite of food and literally feeling your body begin to reject itself all over again.
7. The return of irrational community shower fears.
We've all been there, standing in the shower with the immediate fear that we are going to experience our own version of the Pitch Perfect shower fiasco. Sure, last year you got over it, but now it's a new year with new people, and you just never know!
And finally...
8. Staying up too late.
Yes, it's true. Even on our first night back we suffer from a lack of sleep. Between catching up with friends, unpacking, and organizing your room, there is just no time for sleep.
All the chaos aside, it is a great time of year, no matter how crazy it all seems. As college students, we love being back on our campus, continuing to make memories, and further our education to get one step closer to our dream career. So, to all you college kids moving back in, good luck. And may the odds be ever in your favor!