No one wants to move home after graduating from college; I don't even want to. However, somethings don't work out the way you want, and you have to move back home for a couple months. Hopefully just two. But here are some pros to moving back home.
1. Home cooked meals
Getting home from work and your mom/dad has prepared a lavish (okay maybe not) meal for you and your family. I mean, you didn't get this at college so this has to be a plus. I know I'm excited for it. If it's eating pizza (that I didn't pay for) in front of a TV, you can count me in!
2. Money saver
Maybe your parents will make you pay rent, but it's not as much as owning your own apartment. I'd rather spend $300 a month, than $1,500. Thank you mom and dad.
3. Utilities
EVERYTHING IS INCLUDED. Woooohooo. No separate bills for Netflix, Hulu, Amazon, Fios, and whatever... everything is included. Still fueling my addiction, and I don't have to pay extra for it.
4. Someone to take care of you
For those mornings when you wake up a little too hungover, and not good. Your mom is only a text away to bring you some cold water, and some Advil. Mom is going to be the real MVP.
5. Always have someone to rant to
Now you don't have to call your dad or mom to rant about your day at work, or whatever is bugging you. Now, you get to storm into the house and lay it all out for them. It's better than a phone call, and then you get to go pig out after the rant. Win win situation.
So maybe moving back home isn't ideal. You're away from your friends, and you might be 45 minutes from the city but you get to spend quality time with your parents. It can't be so bad, can it? Thanks mom and dad, ya'll the real MVPs!