With the age of Netflix there are so many movies that regain popularity years after they even came out. So many people reach to The Breakfast Club or 10 Things About You for an old school classic. I grew up in a house where if my Mom mentioned a movie, and I said I hadn't seen it, then we were in Blockbuster the next day renting it. (Oh yeah blockbuster is this really cool place that used to exist, it was basically a store of things you would now get at Redbox or on Netflix)
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Because of my Mom I now know some great movies and when I mention them I sometimes get a confused look. It's so irritating because these movies are just so good I feel everyone needs them in their life. So for all the great millennials out there, here are some great movies that will boost your cool factor if you watch them:
1. Weird Science (1985)
If you ever watched the Disney Channel original movie Pixel Perfect then this premise will sound familiar. Some teenagers create this perfect person because they are feeling incredibly uncool and don't have girlfriends. They get inspired to use their computer to make this gorgeous woman played by Kelly Le Brock. Also, don't worry about not recognizing any cast members because one of the boys is played by Anthony Michael Hall (if that doesn't ring a bell then just think of the nerdy kid from Breakfast Club)
When you think of mean girl high school movies a few come to mind, but if this isn't, then watch it. There is no movie like it and I don't think there will be again. No movie but this talks about school bombing, teen suicide, and how miserable High School can be like this does. The entire time you will wish you talked like this to the mean girls in your High School. Plus Christian Slater is dreamy.
3. St. Elmos Fire (1985)
This movie is my favorite teen 80's movie. Yeah not Breakfast Club, this one. It has the "Brat Pack" which was a made up term for the very relevant teen actors of the 80's. It's about a group of friends graduating college and finding themselves. It's sweet, sad, and a truly realistic view on friendship.
I grew up on this movie. I make every one of my friends watch it. It started my obsession with David Bowie and with leggings. It's weird, and the effects aren't great, but it is such a cult classic. I urge you with all my being to check this one out.
This is a rough one to watch. With all of the race issues being faced, this sheds some light on to the awfulness of racism. It's about a former neo-nazi skinhead who went to prison and changed his ways. Once he gets out all he wants to do it make sure his brother doesn't make the same mistakes. It's got some images that are hard to look at, but it's such an intensely good movie.
Bringing Christian Slater back into the game with this dime. His best quality is his voice and this movie is solely focused on it. It's about this teenager who hosts a late night radio show and nobody at school knows it's him. It's hot and sexual. Tip: Watch it after Heathers because it makes him even more attractive.
If you have been on Netflix recently then you probably saw or heard of the Amanda Knox documentary. If that caught you up in your feelings then this will. It's a classic "wrong time, wrong place" scenario. Two guys get falsely accused of a crime they didn't commit and have to spend life in prison. It's funny but also hard to watch because of the reality that it could happen to anyone.
Saving one of the best for last is one of my favorite comedies at of all time. A woman down on her luck, with her whole life falling apart, has something even worse happen; her imaginary friend from childhood shows back up and wreaks havoc on her adult life. It's the premise for good comedy. If you ever feel sad, watch this and remember, it could be worse.
Hopefully this list gave you some new classics for your movie night. All these are great with a bucket of popcorn and some good company.